贵州遵义七级英语第一次月考 冀教.doc

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1、贵州省遵义市贵龙中学2012-2013学年七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题(无答案) 冀教版本试卷满分150分,时间120分钟。第I卷Listening part(听力部分30分,共20小题,每小题1.5分)一 听句子,选出你在句子中听到的信息。( )1. A. China B. USA C. Canada( )2. A. teacher B. doctor C. bus driver( )3. A. health B. best C. clothes( )4. A. jump B. just C. juice( )5. A. want B. work C. word二 听句子,选出合适的答语。

2、( )6. A. No. You may not. B. Sorry, I couldnt C. Im Mary.( )7. A. You are right. B. No, thanks. C. You are welcome.( )8. A. Its my favorite thing. B. It is nice. C. Yes, I do( )9. A. Sun B. nice C. Young.( )10. A. Im sorry to hear that. B. Go home, please. C. You are well.三听对话,选出能回答问题的图片。( )11. A. B

3、. C ( )12. A. B. C ( )13. A. B. C ( )14. A. B. C. ( )15. A. B. C. 四 听短文,选出能回答后面问题的选项。( )16. A. at seven B. at six C. at six thirty( )17. A. They play games after school.B. They do homework after school first.C. They ride bicycles.( )18. A. He watches TV. B. He goes to bed. C. He does his homework.(

4、)19. A. Because he doesnt go to school.B. Because he helped his grandmother.C. Because he has a good sleep.( )20. A. a girl B. a boy C. PeterWritten part(笔试部分120分)五 单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)( )21.Lets play ping pong . -That sounds boring. Lets play guitar. A. / ,/ B. The ,/ C / ,the ( )22.Wei Hua sits

5、_ the bus every day. A. in front of B. down to C. in the front of ( )23.How does he drive? -He is often _. A. careful B. merry C. quiet ( )24Can she ? A swim B swims C swimming . ( ) 25.I want to _ more exercise. A. need B. get C. take ( )26.Shall we go to work? Sorry, I am _. I want to have a rest.

6、 A. happy B. tired C. scared ( )27. I often jokes. A. say B. tell C. speak ( )28. Its cold outside. Please _ more clothes. A. put up B. put on C. Wear( )29.please give me a call 333-5522. A. of B. at C. in ( )30.what about TV tonight? A. watch B .to watch C .watching( ) 31 -_do you think of the movi

7、e?-Its boring, I dont like it. A what B .how C. why( )32.My father _ the book in the morning.A. look B. reads C. read( )33.The teacher is very her students. A .good at B. good for C .good with( )34.No news good newsA. is B. / C. are ( ) 35.- Mary write a letter every year?- Yes, She A. Does, does B.

8、 Is, is C. Is, does( )36. Its a photo my family. A. in B. of C. to ( ) 37.My grandpa keeps books. A .much B .a lot C .lots of ( )38 .I usually go home lunch. A. at B .for C. of( )39. He usually has a rest after work. Then he is A. happy B. sad C .tired( )40.He wants to find a new ,He doesnt like to

9、here. A. work job B. job ,work C. work ,work六 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计15分)阅读短文,然后从各题所给的答案中选择最佳的,把序号填在括号中.Bob and Jim 1 students at Willow School .They are good 2 ,They want to join some 3 。There are 4 clubs this year .They are the 5 club, math club , 6 club ,music club and 7 club. Bob wants to join the sw

10、imming club .“I know I 8 swim very well ,but I want to join the swimming club, I want 9 how to swim well. 10 club do you want to join ,Jim?”“Well ,I want to join many clubs .I want to join the art club and the chess club .I can draw very well and I play chess every day .”answers Jim. ( ) 41 .A .is B

11、 .are C am ( )42. A friends B brothers C friend( )43.A classes B club C clubs ( )44. A a lot B lot of C many( )45.A swim B swimming C swiming ( )46.A basketball B sports C art( )47. A.chess B sports C English( )48.A can B cant C /( )49.A learn B learning C learns( )50.A What B Why C Where 七阅读理解 (30)

12、 A My name is kim . Im from Singapore . I like basketball and baseball . I speak English, Chinese .I dont art or dancing . MY name is Lisa . I live in the U SA. I like chess and swimming . My favorite subject in school is P.E .I speak English only . I love dancing and music . My name is Albert . I live in Paris . France . I like baseball and my best subject in school is music . I play the guitar and the piano . I like action movies and thrillers (恐怖片). I



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