陕西靖边第四中学九级英语全册 Unit 1 How can we become good learners SectionB Selfcheck导学案新目标.doc

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1、Unit 1 How can we become good learners SectionB Selfcheck科 目subject英语English课 题TopicUnit1 How can we become good learners?SectionB Selfcheck授课时间Date学习目标复习掌握本单元的生词、单元、重点句子;运用动名词谈论自己及他人的学习经验;学法指导运用已有经验-介绍自己或他人的经验-解决学习方法问题知识导航学习与交流教学设计(意图、指导、反馈)复习A 1a、How do these students study for a test? 这些学生怎样备考?I

2、study by making word cards. 我做单词卡片方式学习。I study by working with friends 和朋友一起学习方式I study by making word cards 做单词卡片方式学习I study by reading the textbook 阅读课本方式学习I study by listening to tapes 听磁带方式学习I study by asking the teacher for help 向老师寻求帮助方式学习复习A 2a、Do you learn English by watching videos?Do you l

3、earn English by practicing conversations with sb?与某人会话Do you learn English by listeingn to tapes? 听磁带Do you learn English by practicing pronunciation?练习发音Do you learn English by reading aloud?朗读Do you learn English by studingy with a group? 分组学习复习B 1b、I have some problems in pronouncing some of the

4、words. 拼读一些单词I have some problems in understanding spoken English. 懂得口语I dont know how to increase my reading speed. 怎样提高我的阅读速度I cant spell some English words. 拼写一些英语单词I often make mistakes in grammar. 语法方面出错误I dont have a partner to practice English with. 有一个伙伴一起练习英语。 【预习交流】 一分组复习本单元重点单词:读记单词-造句-听写

5、单词名词:1.教科书,课本 2.交谈,谈话 3.发音 4.句子 5.病人 6.表达(方式)7.秘密,秘诀 8.语法 9.笔记,记录 10.朋友,伙伴 11.模式,方式 12.物理(学)13.化学 14.搭档,同伴 15.知识,学问 16.注意,关注 17.大脑 18.能力,才能19.速度动词: 1.发现 2.重复 3.发音 4.增加,增长 5.复习,回顾 6.(使)连接,与有联系形容词: 1.有耐心的 2.活跃的,积极的 3.秘密的副词: 1.大声地 2.明智的,聪明地 3.一夜之间,在夜间【合作展示】小组朗读听力A1b A2a2b B1b1c 对话,进一步记忆重点短语;小组朗读课文A 3a,

6、B 2b强化英语语感,进一步记忆重点句子;小组合作翻译课文A 3a,B 2b,牢记重点句子。完成Self Check并检查答案1 Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.2 Number these sentences in order to make a conversation.3 Give advice to these people.【巩固提升】一完成下列重点短语: 1. 通过制作单词卡片 2. 向某人请求帮助3.练习对话 4.爱上,喜欢上5.练习发音 6. 第一次 7. 注意 8. 犯错误 9.大声朗读 10. 英语口语 11. 做笔

7、记 12.如何提高我的阅读速度13. 一个练习英语的伙伴 14. 发音准确15.熟能生巧 16.学习能力17. 查词典 18.变得厌烦19.加入英语俱乐部 20.共同,共有 二完成下列重点句子:1.你怎样学习英语?我通过小组学习来学习英语。_ do you study English? I learn _ studying _ a group.2.我怎样能提高我的发音?一种方法就是听磁带。_ can I improve _ _ ? One way is _ _ _ _.3.通过阅读句子的前后试着猜测词的意义。Try to guess a _ _ by _ the sentences_ or _

8、 it.4.你读得越多就会读得越快。_ _ you read,_ _ you ll be.5.我只是躲藏在书后而什么也不说。I just _ _ my _ and never said anything.6.我喜欢上这不使人兴奋且有趣的电影。I_ _ _ _ this exciting and funny movie.7.虽然我不能理解人物所说的一切,但他们的肢体语言和面部表情帮助我理解意义。Although I could not understand everything the _ said,their _ _ and the _ _ _ _ helped me get the mean

9、ing.8.通过听英语电影里的有趣的英语交谈,我的发音也提高了。My _ also improved _ _ to the interesting _ in English movie.9.我发现听一些你感兴趣的内容是语言学习的秘诀。I _ that listening to something you _ _ _ _ the _ _ language learing.10.通过查字典我能得到生词的意义。I can get the _ _ the new words by _ _ _ in a _ . 11.好的学习者时常吧他们需要学习的和他们感兴趣的联系起来。Good learners of

10、ten _ what they need _ _ _ something they are interested in.12.即使你学得一些东西好,但你如果不用它将会忘记。_ _ you learn something well.you will forget it _ you use it.13. .好的学习者也不害怕犯错误。Good learners are also _ _ _ making _ .14.他尝试了许多次成功了,并且从错误中学到很多。He succeeded by _ _ _ and _ _ his mistakes.15.他们可以记下关键词来记笔记,或者画出思维图。They may_ _ by _ _ _ words or _ 4



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