重庆涪陵十四中马鞍校区八级英语上册 Unit 1 Topic 1 Section A导学案 仁爱.doc

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1、Unit 1 Topic 1 Section A导学案Unit1 Topic1 Are you going to play basketball?【学习目标】1了解一般将来时态。2复习选择疑问句。3谈论自己所喜欢的体育活动以及自己的打算【学习重点】一般将来时态:“be going to +动词原形”结构:表示打算、计划、愿意要做的事情或用于预测。 【学习难点】 much与quite a bit/a lot:他们常与动词连用,用来描述某个动作发生的频率。join和take part injoin常用来指“参加,加入”组织、团体或某人之中。 take part in(=join in)“参加”,主

2、要用于参加某项活动、聚会等。【学习链接】语法重点:be going to结构be going to + 动词原形-表示将要发生的事或打算,计划,决定要做的事,常与表示将来时间的状语连用。如: tomorrow, this evening, next week, next year, in 20201.今天下午我打算去游泳。译:_2.下个星期我打算去参观博物馆。译:_总结:be going to结构的否定句和疑问句形式怎样变化?Tom is going to play table tennis with his classmates this afternoon.(否定句) _ (一般疑问) _

3、(划线提问1) _(划线提问2) _思考:“be going to + 动词原形”和 “will +动词原形”都可以表示将要发生的动作,它们之间有何异同?多数情况下可换用。They are going to / will help us clean the house tomorrow morning.但是在预测时,根据迹象表明某事可能发生就用“be going to+动词原形”; 如果说话者认为某事会发生就用“will+动词原形”I think it _ rain. 译:_Look at those clouds. It _ rain. 译:_在文中找到下列句子并翻译总结1. I saw y

4、ou play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays.译:_点拨:see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事我们经常看见他帮助老人。 译:_对比:see sb. doing sth. 看见某人在做某事刚才我看见Jim在操场打篮球。 译:_链接:hear sb. do / doing sth. 听见某人做了/ 在做某事2.Would you like to come and cheer us on? - Sure, Id love to.(1)Would you like + 不定式? 表建议或邀请。常用Id love

5、 to 来回答,不同意也常用 “Id love to, but ”来拒绝别人。如:Would you like to play basketball with me ?- Id love to, but I have a lot of homework to do. (2)在肯定句中 would like= want 如: Id like to have a rest. = I want to have a rest.(3)cheer sb.on 为某人加油3.I hope our team will win.- Me , too.(= So do I.) hope + that从句,that

6、 可省去。I hope that I can see you soon. hope to do sth. I hope to see you soon.注意: (1)wish(愿)与hope的用法一样,后既可以接从句也可以接不定式,但不能说hope sb. to do sth. (hope 后不接双宾语, 但 wish 可以),如:I hope you to help me (错) I hope that you can help me.(对)(2)hope 后接的从句常用将来时态表可以实现的愿望,而wish 后接的宾语从句常用过去时态表难以实现的愿望,如:I hope you will co

7、me. I wish I could fly to the moon.4. I prefer rowing. (1)prefer(过去式过去分词需双写 preferred) 后可直接接动词ing形式或动词不定式, 表更喜欢, 用法同like/ love:I prefer swimming (更喜欢经常游泳) I prefer to swim.(更喜欢这一次去游泳)(2)prefer (doing) A to (doing) B 相当于:like better than I prefer swimming to skating. =I like swimming better than skat

8、ing. (3) 后接不定式时与rather than 或instead of连用,如:He preferred to die rather than (to) steal. / He preferred to die instead of stealing. 他宁死也不去偷窃。5. -Do you row much ?你经常划船吗?- Yes , quite a bit / a lot. 是的,经常。 quite a bit/ a lot 经常/许多,大量. quite a bit of 后接不可数名词,如:quite a bit of money。 quite a lot of 后既可接可

9、数名词复数也可以接不可数名词,如:quite a lot of books/ milk。而quite a few=many 表“相当多”后接可数名词复数,如:quite a few studentsquite a little =much表许多,后接不可数名词,如; quite a little money very few / little 很少很少。 6.Are you going to join the school rowing club?join 加入(人群,组织) take part in 参加(活动,比赛)注意:(1)join可与in连用,后接活动,即 take part in=

10、join in = be in后都接活动。如:He joined in the game ;He joined in helping the old man. Ill be in the relay race. (2) Join sb. in doing sth. 表加入某人的活动。 如:Will you join us in playing basketball ? 【自习】比一比,看谁先闯过词汇关。看第122页P1-2的新单词,试拼读,并小组内相互拼读。II熟记并默写。1学期 2队,组 3许多,大量 4一点,一些,少量 5俱乐部,纸牌中的梅花 6排球 7网球 8乒乓球 9加油,欢呼;喝彩

11、10为加油 11获胜,赢得 12更喜欢,宁愿(选择) 13骑自行车 14划船 15加入,参加;连接;会合 16溜冰,滑冰 17滑雪 18几乎,差不多 19相当,很,十分 20对着,反对 II(1)阅读教材,写出下面动词的过去式。see- play- know- have- come- win-cheer- prefer- row- join- skate- go-(2)在文中找到并划出下列短语并翻译1.almost every day_ 2.during the summer holiday_3. this term_ 4. cheer us on_5. prefer rowing_ 6.row much_7.quite a bit / a lot_ 8.join the school rowing club_ 9.table tennis_ 10.see you play volleyball have a basketball game against Class Three_(3)重点句型:1这周星期天我们将要与3班进行一场篮球赛



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