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1、Unit5 Go shoppingReading 学习目标1.学会理解文章并且提高阅读能力。 2.进一步提高解决具体问题的能力。学习重点和难点 1.练习精读,理解并复述课文 2.理解掌握课文中的新语言点课前准备一预习77-78页单词,复习并准备默写。二、预习课本7778页,完成下列练习 1.去购物_2.黄河足球队的贴画 _3.稍等_ 4.在那儿_5. 相当昂贵_ 6. 给我的朋友买礼物_7. 许多种类的发夹_8.与她最喜欢的T-恤衫相配_9. 想干某事 _ 10.有足够的钱买_11.别介意_ 12.等待_三预习中还有什么问题? _课堂交流展示1、预习交流,讨论预习中存在的问题。2、精读练习,通

2、读课文,回答下面问题(1) How much do the new cards cost? (2) How much do last years cost? (3)How much do the stickers cost? (4) What is Amy doing?(5)Does she buy hair clips for Simon or Sandy?(6.)How much money does Amy have?(7)How much are the hair clips? (8.) Can she buy a CD for Sandy? 3、完成课本P62PartC课堂达标检测一

3、、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1 I spend 20 minutes _ (read) English every day.2 It _ (take) me 20 minutes _(read) English every day.3 How long _it _ (take) you _ (read) English every day?4 _it_ (take)you 20 minutes _ (sing) every day?5 He spends 20 minutes _ (write) Chinese every evening.6 How much _the card _(cost

4、)?It _(cost) 5 yuan.7 Those stickers _(cost) 20 yuan.8 _that comic book _(cost) 10 yuan? No, it only _(cost) 8 yuan.9 This eraser _ (cost) me a dollar.10 _ the hair clips _ (cost) you a lot of money?二、补全下列句子1 我买了一本字典,所以现在没有足够的钱买这本书。 I bought a dictionary, so I dont have _ money _ _ the bag.2 我想为妈妈买些

5、花。 Id like to .3 你每天午饭花多少钱?How much money do you _ every day?4.你的鞋多少钱? _ _ _your shoes _?5. 书店里有很多种书. Therere _ _ _ books in the bookshop.6. 你的外套和裤子不太相配. Your coat _ _ your trousers.7. 去年的鞋子可以打折. Theres _ _ _ last _ shoes.8. 你想买什么?我想买发夹。 What_ I _ _you?Im_ _ _ _hair clips.能力提高题(可选做) 阅读短文,选出正确的答案 Peo

6、ple eat different things in 1 parts of the world.In 2 countries, people eat rice every day. Sometimes they eat it two 3 three times a day 4 breakfast, lunch and supper. They usually eat it 5 meat, fish and vegetables.Some people do not eat 6 kinds of meat. Muslims(穆斯林),for example, do not eat pork.T

7、he Japanese eat lots of 7, and they also eat a lot of rice.In western countries such as(例如) Britain, Australia and the USA, 8 important food is bread and potatoes. People there can cook potatoes in many different ways.Some people eat only fruit and vegetables. They do not meat or fish 9 anything tha

8、t comes from animals. They only eat food from plants(植物).Some people say that food from plants is 10 for us than meat.( ) 1. A. different B. the different C. same D. the same( ) 2.A.every B. some C. each D. all( ) 3.A.and B. but C. or D. so( ) 4.A.to B. with C. at D. for( ) 5.A.for B. to C. with D .in( ) 6.A.some B. any C. all D. no( ) 7.A.the fish B. fish C. the meat D. meat( ) 8.A.good B. the best C. the most D. many( ) 9.A.and B. and no C. no D. or( ) 10.A.better B. more C. delicious D. good课后作业:与课堂同行P91-933


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