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1、Why do you like pandas第六课时写作课Section B 3a-Self Check P30Teaching and Learning Goals:一、话题:Animals二、功能:1. Describe animals 2. Express preferences三、语法:1. Review What, Why and Where questions and answer. 2. Be able to use the adjectives of quality correctly. 四、词汇和常用表达: kind of, friendly, cute, beautiful

2、Why do you like.? Because五、学习策略:Guide the students to master the writing skill of imitating.六、文化:Know about all kinds of animals all over the world. Guide the students to protect the animals.Teaching and Learning Steps:Pre-writing activities写前活动Step: Teaching Aims Tell the students the learning aims

3、: Talk about animals and learn how to write animal reviews.Step: Lead in:Talk about animals(设计意图:思维导图的使用更加清楚明了的总结了本单元的重点。)Review 单元话题复习爸爸去哪儿电影版DVDscr片源 01_21_49-01_22_54.wmvT: Is the acrobatic performance excellent? Ss: Yes.T: Do you know them? Ss: Yes. They are Stone, Angela, Cindy, Tiantian and Ki

4、mi. T: Well, do you know where they are now? Ss: No.T: Theyre in Xiang Jiang wild animal world. Welcome to the zoo.The animals of performance are from here. There will be a live recruitment. The zoo is recruiting some English interpreters now. Do you want to try?Ss: Yes.T: Wow! All of you want to tr

5、y. Ok, lets have an exciting PK to select the interpreters.(设计意图:本环节通过观看一场“爸爸去哪儿”的动物表演展开话题,极大的吸引了学生的注意力。通过一场现场招聘会贯穿整堂课,使整堂课更具统一性和完整性) Round1: InterviewFirst, tell us the animals you know as many as possible.Ss: lion, elephant, tiger, giraffe, panda (抢答)T: Woo, you know too many animals. Next, lets h

6、ave a look how much do you know about animals. Guess who they are according to the description.Ss: Its an elephant. / Its a panda. / Its a koala. Its a lion. / Its a tiger. / Its a monkey.T: You are really clever. How do you guess them?Ss: I guess tiger according to its appearance I guess monkey acc

7、ording to its hobby.学|科|网Z| I guess koala because of its personality (允许学生使用汉语)T: Great! I must give you the thumbs up. As you know, we can know about the animals according to their features.Then, lets think about the description words you know.Ss: scary, dangerous, shy, kind of beautiful, really sm

8、art, clever, very big, small, quietT: Ill show you some word cards. You must perform the word to the other students. If other students can guess the word, you can go to the second grade.Some students perform the words and choose who can go to the second grade. Other students can help the person they

9、 think he or she can win the game.(divide into five groups)(设计意图:学生通过猜谜语的形式总结出如何描述动物并在头脑中激活了写作话题animal相关的词汇,语段等,为接下来形成一篇文章做好铺垫。通过表演词汇来分组为下面学困生的写作提供了团队支持。)2. Warming up and leading in热身导入Round2: Written examinationT: She is famous star in the zoo. This is her profile.You must finish the profile first

10、.(Answers: beautiful, Africa, years, like, because, lives) Check the answers in your group.T: Some visitors are interested in her. They ask some questions. Can you answer their questions?Ss: She is Becky. She is twelve years old. She is beautiful, smart and friendly. She is from Africa.(设计意图:通过游客提问的

11、形式针对细节对例文进行分析。引导学生形成文章意识,然后再鼓励他们去朗读,进行语言的输入,为输出做好积累,为接下来的写作练习做好准备。)While-writing activities写中活动Step III. Imitated writing可爱的大熊猫 00_00_11-00_00_55.wmvT: Do you know him?Ss: panda.T: Do you like him?Ss: Yes.T: Do you want to see him.Ss: Yes.T: He will move here. Can you help him write a piece of profi

12、le? (Discuss in groups)Who want to introduce this panda?Ss: (Have some students read their writing and correct the wrong points)(设计意图:这一环节主要是对3a的仿写,比较简单。程度较差的学生可以有针对性的练习。)Step IV. Practice: Write the Ss own favorite animals. (Creative Writing)T: There are many publicity columns. You must write an ar

13、ticle for them to introduce the animals you like.1.Write an outline拟定提纲Help the Ss make sure the composition must include the following things before they start to write their own favorite animals. (设计意图:一起学习写作要求和注意事项,引导学生关注篇章结构和语篇标记词汇,帮助学生整理写作信息。程度差点的同学可以根据提纲直接补充内容。同时鼓励有能力的学生创新思维,丰富写作内涵。)2.Write th

14、e first draft起草初稿T: I will give you several minutes to write your own favorite animals down.Choose one student to write his/her favorite animal on the blackboard.3. Revise the first draft修改初稿After all the students finish writing, first check the composition on the blackboard with all the students ac

15、cording to the following evaluation scale.Is there the name of animal?Is there the age of animal?Does he/she mention what the animal is like?Does he/she mention where the animal is from?Does he/she mention the animals characters?Does he/she mention the animals hobbies?Are there any grammatical mistakes?Choose several students to e


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