秋八级英语上册Unit4What’sthebestmovietheaterSectionB导学案新人教新目标 1.doc

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1、Unit 4 Whats the best movie theaterSection B学习目标: 1、归纳总结形容词和副词比较级和最高级的构成并分析其用法。2、 学习进行简单的比较,并表达自己的好恶。3、学习进行简单的调查。学习重点:1、形容词、副词的最高级的构成。 2、形容词、副词的最高级的用法。学习难点:形容词、副词的最高级的用法。学习过程:一、情景导入(warm up) 1.复习Section A中最高级变化运用。 2.用所学过的形容词和副词的最高级谈谈班上的同学例如:A: Tom is the tallest boy in class. B: Betty is the best da

2、ncer in class. C: 二、引入新课(Presentation) 在黑板上写出funniest most creative quietest best worst most boring等,让学生谈谈最近学校举行的活动。例如:Liu Fang is the funniest performer in yesterdays competition.三、教授新课(new lessons) 1、学习1a,在表格中写出相对的反义词,并举出所学的其他的形容词的反义词。2、自由展示1b,让学生运用1a的信息谈谈所认识的人。示范:My cousin Li Jing is the funniest

3、 person I know.3、听力训练 让学生听第一遍完成1c,再听一遍完成1d,然后核对答案、 4、小组活动 (Pair work)学习1e,练习对话,运用1d中的信息,编出对话进行练习,并在小组展示:A: Who was the best performer? B: Eliza was the best performer.5、阅读训练a.让学生听录音带并朗读2b三遍,让学生找出新的知识,例如单词和词组等的用法。b.再读一遍,完成2c,并核对答案。c.完成2d,让学生分别展示他们找出的最高级形式后写出句子。4.小组活动 讨论后完成2e的表格 学习3a,让学生完成练习并核对答案,帮助学生

4、理解3a的内容。四、活动练习让学生利用课外时间在小组内完成3a,3c和4的调查活动,并完成表格。五.语法角:1、区分比较级和最高级 a.比较级的对象,比较级是两者或两部分,最高级必须是三者(部分)或三者以上。b.词形的变化形式比较级一般是加(i)er, 最高级一般是加(i)est.2、Some think that the lives of the performers are made up.一些人认为表演者的生活是被编造出来的。句中are made up是被动语态,主语是动词的承受者,例如:Now computers are used by many people.现在电脑被许多人使用。主

5、语computers是承受者六、自我评估( 1She looks_younger than she is. Aeven Bvery Ca bit of Da lot of( )2If you do that, youll feel _ soon.Amore healthy Bmore healthier Cmuch healthy Dmuch healthier( )3Well try to do _ work with _ time than before.Amuch; much Blittle; little Cless; more Dmore; less( )4China has the

6、 _ population(人口数)in the world.Alargest Bbigger Cmost Dfewest( )5Of all the students, Li Ming is _ to Mr Wang.Aclose Bcloser Cthe closest Dthe most closest( )6You are getting fatter and fatter. You should eat _ food and take _ exercise.Aless; less Bmore; more Cmore; less Dless; more( )7 Which is _ m

7、onth of the year?July, I think. Ahot Bhoter Chotter Dthe hottest( )8Xian is one of _ capital _ in China. Aolder; city Bthe older; city Coldest; cities Dthe oldest; cities( )9E-mailing is _ than long-distance calling.Athe cheapest Bcheapest Ccheaper Dcheap( )10She chose _ expensive shirt from all these clothes.Athe most Bmore Cless Dthe more七.开心:通过学习我知道了1 2 3 加油:这些知识我还不懂1 2 3 3



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