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1、Unit5 Wild animals(Comic strip and Welcome to the unit) 二、学习目标:1. 能够掌握一些野生动物的词汇。2. 培养爱护野生动物的情感。三、教材导学:(一)、认真预习Eddie和Hobo的对话及第57页内容,翻译下列短语1.in the wild _ 2. become dishes on the table _3. No way 4. have pity on them _ 5.die without them 6. in fact 7. wild animals 8.最喜欢猴子 9. 给野生动物做个测试 10.动物世界之王 (二)、预习

2、漫画,思考问题1. Would Eddie like to live in the wild? Why or why not?2. Will Eddie eat the wild animals ? Why or why not?(三)、猜一猜是哪一种动物1. It has a long, soft tail and lives in the trees. It can climb trees quickly. _2. It is the biggest animals on land. It can lift heavy things. _3. It looks like a large f

3、ish in warm sea. You can watch them jump in the zoo. _4. Its like a bear, but it has black and white fur. _5. It lives in Australia and it has a long strong tail and has strong legs. There is a useful bag for its baby. _6. It looks like a cat and has yellow fur and black stripes. _7. Its large and h

4、eavy with thick(厚)fur. It is very strong. _8. It has no legs. Some of them are poisonous enough to kill people. _9. We can get meat from them. It likes sleeping very much. _10. Its small. It is afraid of cats because cats like eating them for a nice meal. _11. It is very clever. Its favorite food is

5、 banana. _12. Its a useful animal for people. When the stranger comes, itll bark. _课 堂 检 测一、根据提示,写出单词。1. Would you like to live in the _(野外)?2.Will you be _(有空) tomorrow?3.The number of the _(野生的) foxes is becoming_(更小的)4. Look at these_(斑马), how lovely they are!5. He didnt pass the driving test, wh

6、at a _(遗憾)!6. His grandfather _(死) two years ago.7.How many _(海豚) are there in the water?8.My sister likes _ _(大熊猫) best.9.One of the_(松鼠) is very clever, it is eating some nuts.10.If you _(死) ,no one will look after me.二、完成下列词组和句子。1. 事实上_ 2. 没门_3. 你想住在野外吗?_?4. 为什么不呢?野外动物很自由很快乐。 _? _. 5. 我不这么认为。_.6.

7、 野生动物随时会成为桌上的菜。 _.7.为它们而感到遗憾。_.A. 没有它们我会死的。 _.9. 你最喜欢什么野生动物?我最喜欢猴子。他们聪明而有趣。 _?10. 我最喜欢狮子。他们强壮而且跑得快!_. 小官庄镇中心初中前置性学习指导 8A Unit 5 Wild animals (Reading I)二、学习目标:1) 掌握并运用本课时的四会单词。 2) 理解并掌握描述熊猫外貌特性、它们所面临的危险以及采取保护措施的词组和句型。3) 能描述大熊猫的成长过程、面临的危险以及采取的保护措施。三、教材导学:一)、翻译下列短语,并在课文中画出:1.婴儿大熊猫 2. 重一百克 _3.看上去象只小白鼠

8、4. 开始了第一次的外出 5.有四个月大 6. 开始吃竹笋 7.开始,起初 8. 喝母乳 9.面临严重的问题 10. 在野外生存 11.主要靠一种特殊的竹子生存 _ 12.变得越来越小 13.因此 14.有地方居住、有食物吃 15.处境危险 16.立即采取行动 17.立法来保护大熊猫 18.熊猫在,希望就在。 二). 快速度课文,判断“T”or “F”(1) Xi Wang is the name of a baby giant panda. ( )(2)Baby giant pandas are very small when they were born.( ) (3)They grow

9、very quickly.( ) (4)At 4 months , she was 10 kilos. ( )(5)Xi Wang had to look after herself when she was 10 months old. ( )(6) We should take action right away to protect giant pandas. ( )四)、再次课文,注意希望的生长过程,完成下面的表格。The story of XiWangXi Wangs weightWhen she was born, she weighed just _.At four months

10、 old , she weighed _.Eight months later, she weighed _.Things Xi Wang eatsIn the beginning, Xi Wang drank_.When she was six months old, she began to eat _课 堂 检 测一、词汇运用。1.At fourteen years old, he went to America alone for the_(one)time.2.Susan _(weigh) only 45 kilometers, but she still wants to lose weight.3.The next day, the old man _ (die) at the door.4.Giant Pandas are in _(dangerous).5.-When _(be) you born? -I _(be) born in 1999.6. There may be no pandas_(leave) in the world if we do noth


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