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1、山东省滕州市鲍沟中学2018-2019学年八年级英语上学期中秋节假作业试题一、选择题1We keep _ and it keeps us _Ato swim ; healthBswimming; healthyCto swim ; healthyDswimming; health2The food is _, but I dont have _ to buy.Aenough expensive ; enough moneyBcheap enough ; enough moneyCexpensive enough ; money enoughDenough expensive ; money e

2、nough3We couldnt finish our work so early _ your help.AwithoutBwithCforDby4一I dont think history is more useful than physics.I disagree. In my opinion, history is _physics.Aas useful asBnot so useful asCless useful thanDthe most useful of5The problem is quite difficult, so _ students can work it out

3、.Aa fewBa littleClittleDfew6He is _ active student and he usually plays sports atfer school.AaBanCtheD/7_ he is ill, _ he goes to chool.AAlthough, butBwithCAlthough, /DBut, although8(题文)He usually goes to work by bike, but _ he walks to the office.AoftenBneverCalwaysDsometimes9May I ask you a questi

4、on _the new school rules?AatBwithCaboutDto10He often surfs _ for 2 or 3 hours a day.Athe internetBthe InternetCan internetDan Internet二、完型填空I was once a fat girl. I weighed 336 pounds and looked as big as my fridge. I was never_it. But one day I had a medical examination (体检) .The_told me that I was

5、 having heart trouble. It_me up. I began to feel nervous. Then I decided to do something!In a year and five months, I_104 pounds. What a great thing I did! I didnt have any expensive food, medical treatment (治疗) or camp-style (训练营式的) exercise. What was the secret to my success?First I looked through

6、 the Internet for do-it-yourself_ that people could follow on losing weight. Of course I saw countless ads which try to get me to buy their products. But I bought_. The only thing I did was to change my bad _.The following are what I have done. You can _these. Stop drinking something with too much s

7、ugar in it. Refuse(拒绝) sweet cakes. Eat green vegetables. Use only vegetable oil. Never eat after 6:30 pm. Also, do light exercise for 15 to 20 minutes five days a week.Then I kept doing what I should do. People sometimes say ,“You dont need to tell me_ to do. I know it already! But the fact is that

8、 knowing what to do and doing what you know are_.The important thing is to know what to do and then just keep doing it.11Afeel likeBworried aboutCgood atDwait for12AdoctorBfriendCmotherDteacher13AgaveBcutCdressedDwoke14AborrowedBlentClostDgot15AadviceBnewsCfoodDmedicine16AsomethingBnothingCanythingD

9、everything17AgradesBlookCwishDhabits18AmakeBbringCtryDeat19AhowBwhatCwhyDwhether20AeasyBdifficultCsimilarDdifferent三、阅读理解Overweight(超重)is one of the biggest health problems now. Being overweight affects more than how you look. Too much fat can kill you.Whats worse? overweight children turn into over

10、weight adults. If youre obese now, you probably will grow into an obese adult. But heres good news. You can fight overweight.Change your eating habitsYou are what you eat. Kids like snacks. Have you listed any healthy snacks? One study of eating habits shows that soft drinks are the first in the sna

11、ck list.Next, kids choose salty snacks, like chips. Whats more, the list is full of junk food from No. 3 to No. 11. Finally, No. 12, kids pick a healthy snackfruit. So, think about your snack choice again.Get outside to exerciseJim, a player on his school football team, had a weight problem not long

12、 time ago. He could never get anyone to play with him. So his father and he started playing football for a few minutes every night. Ten minutes turned into an hour or more. In just a few years, the heavy kid became athletic and healthy.More TV means fatNearly every American kid watches TV for 2 hour

13、s and 56 minutes every daythat adds up to 44 days a year of sitting. More TV(or more Internet surfing, or more computer games) means more fat.Eat an apple a day, walk around the house, play with your family. Do it today, and do it more tomorrow. It will help you a lot.21According to the passage, kid

14、s put_ at the end of the snack list in one study of eating habits.A. chips B. ice cream C. fruit22What does the underlined word “obese” mean in Chinese?A. 苗条的 B. 虚胖的 C. 健康的23Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. When we watch too much TV, we will probably get too much fat.B. A few years ago, Jim was fat.C. Being overweight only affects how we look.24What can we do to fight overweight according to the passage?Try to get up early.Try to take more exercise.Try not to sit in front of TV or the computer for too long.Try to eat more healthy food.A. B.



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