江苏连云港东海横沟中学中考英语一轮复习七下综合练习牛津 1.doc

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1、综合练习(一)一、单词拼写及用法(共30题,每空词数不定;每题1分,共30分)A、谓语与非谓语1. A 5-year-old boy _ (lose) his way. He was crying when his mother found him.2. Is there anything wrong with _ (养) a pet at school? 3. The Red Cross _ (募集) some money and sent some clothes to the people in Yaan. 4. The man was going _ (通过) the road whe

2、n a car came up and hit him. 5. They tried to learn English well but _ (失败) because of their way of learning. 6. - Why didnt you hand in your homework? - Sorry. I _ (忘记) to bring it.7. There are many people in the front. Everyone is wondering what is _ (发生).8. Were you _ (吃惊的) to hear therere only s

3、even bones in a giraffes neck?9. Nobody _ (答复, 回答), so he said to himself, “There isnt anybody here.”10. The funny monkey is jumping around and makes people _ (大笑). 11. In his English class, Mrs Li likes her students _ (重复) her words. B、格、性、数、级和单词拼写12. Walk along the road, turn left at the _ (five)

4、traffic lights. It is in front of you. 13. - Im sorry that I was not careful enough. - Dont always think about it. You will do _ (well) next term. 14. As _ (通常的), the two girls sat down under the big tree and chatted with each other. 15. They are not talking about their school life. When are we goin

5、g to talk about _ (we)?16. Everyone in the big family will become _ (noise) when they are hungry. 17. The seven students are still in hospital in Xiamen because the bus fire burnt them _ (bad). 18 . - Wheres the cat? - Grandma is holding it on her _ (膝盖).19 .The girls kept asking, “Is anybody there?

6、”, but _ (没人) answered.20 . - By the way, can we take our _ (照相机) with us? - No problem, each of you can take one with you.21 .Alice found herself _ (独自的) in the long low hall, but she was not afraid.22. Is the sun 1,300,000 _ (倍) larger than the Earth?23. The strange man turned around _ (突然) and le

7、ft the bush quickly.C、根据对话逻辑和首字母提示,补全单词,并在答题纸上写出单词的完整形式 A: Here are some questions about you and your family. Will you answer t_ (1)?B: Sure. A: How o_ (2) do you exercise? B: Every day. We often do some running. Every morning, we run from our house to the lake. A: How f_ (3) is it from your house t

8、o the lake? B: It is about one and a half kilometers. A: What e_ (4) do you often do? And how much time do you spend on it? B: You know we are all q_ (5) busy. My p_ (6) are busy with their work and I have much homework. So we only run for l_ (7) than half an hour every morning. 二、选词(组)填空(共10小题;每小题2

9、分,共20分;选对单词或短语但形式错误不得分。)put up a tent; at the same time; show us around; take part in; look after; do ones best; hear from; in poor areas; leaf; he 1. Few people can write with one hand and draw a picture with the other _.2. What can you do for the children _? 3. How clever he was! He poured water o

10、ver his clothes to protect _ from fire. 4. Lucys father is happy because she _ in the past term and got a reward. 5. Amy often _ activities like collecting clothes for children in need. 6. Please write back soon. We are all looking forward to _ you. 7. Who is _ the new Experiment Middle Scholl next

11、Monday? 8. Look over there! The boys _ for the coming night. 9. What a long neck the giraffe has! He is eating the _ of the tall tree. 10. Id like to keep a pet but I dont have much time. What animal is easy _?三、完成句子(每题1分,共12分;每空词数不限,出现任何错误都不得分)A. 根据要求变换句型1. How careless the girls are! (变为同义句) _ the

12、y are!2. Alice saw a white rabbit passing by. (变为一般疑问句) _ Alice_ a white rabbit passing by? 3. My classmate Jim weighs about 50 kilograms. (对划线部分提问) How _ your classmate Jim _? 4. He was in hospital for more than two weeks last year. (对划线部分提问) _ he in hospital last year? B.翻译下列句子 5. 这包盐多少钱? How _ th

13、is packet of salt _? 6. Jerry(猫和老鼠中的主人公)是所有动物中最聪明的,不是吗? Jerry is _ of all, isnt he? 7. 有些家庭甚至没有能力买钢笔和笔记本。 Some families are not even _ for pens and notebooks.8. 他这段时间正在努力学习功课吗?_ he _hard on his subjects these days? 9. 朗朗是4岁开始弹钢琴的吗?_ Lang Lang _ playing the piano at the age of four? 10. 你能教我如何把这火扑灭吗? Can you show me _ out the fire? 11. 这些孩子愿意尝试一下什么户外活动呢? What outdoor activiti



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