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1、Unit 4 Dont eat in class一 单项选择1. We cant _ music in class.A. listen to B. look at C. hear D. see2. At 12:00 last night, we arrived _ the train station.A. forB. to C. atD. in3. Annies bike is broken(坏), so she _ walk to school.A. have to B. has toC. need to D. must4. Daisy has to _ the classroom afte

2、r school.A. cleansB. cleaned C. cleaning D. clean5. Nick is never late for work. He always gets to the office .A. on time B. in time C. at times D. sometimes6. Students have to wear on school days.A. glasses B. the uniform C. watches D. hats 7. Dont for school, or the teacher will not be happy.A. la

3、te B. be late C. is late D. arrives late 8. - Tom, can you the book to me? -Sure.A. bring B. take C. buy D. play9. In our school, we dont have to _ the uniforms.A. put on B wear C. have on D. dress10. In our school, we bring Mp3 into class.A. dont B. cant C. neednt D. dont have to11_sleep in class,b

4、oys and girls.ANot BCant CDont DArent12_ you _ go home now?ADo;have to BDoes;have to CHave;to DHas;to13Can you watch TV _ school nights?Aat Bon Cin D/14We cant _ music in the classroom.Ahear Bhear to Clisten Dlisten to15Dont talk _ eat in class. Aand Bor Cso Dbut16Do you have lots of_ to follow in y

5、our school?Afriends Brule Crules Da rule17Hes never _ class.Aarrive Blate for Carrive late Dlate18He cant _,but he often _ to the beach to play.Aswimming;go Bswim;goes Cswims;goes Dswim;go19Mom,can I go skating?_,but you have to wear a coat.Its cold outside.ANo,you cant BYes,please CYes,you can DNo,

6、you can20I have _ things to do today,so Im _ busy.Atoo many;too many Btoo many;much tooCtoo much;much too Dtoo much;too many. 完形填空。I work in a school library,and there are many kinds of 1in it,for example,books about English,science,history,music and so onYou 2 do some reading or borrow books from i

7、tBut there are some 3 You must obey 4 When you are reading in the library,you have to 5 quietDont talk loudly or make any noiseYou 6 listen to music,eitherYou cant take your bags or wet umbrellas into the library 7 or drink in the libraryYou can borrow books from the library, 8 you cant lend(借出)them

8、 to 9 you have to take good care of(好好保管)them and return them on time(按时归还)If the library books are 10 ,you have to pay for them1Apeople Bbooks Cmagazines Dnewspapers2Acan Bhave to CcantDdont3Amagazines Brules CCDs Dquestions4Athat BthemCitDthis5Abe Bare C/ Dhave6Adont Bcant Chave to Dcan7ANot eatin

9、g BNot eat CDont eat DCant eat8Abut Bif Cwhen Dwhere9Aothers Bme Cother Dus10Alose Blost Cfind Dfound阅读AHigh school students in America hear about twenty bells every dayThe first bell is the tardy bell(上课铃)If students are not in their seats when the tardy bell rings,they know they are lateAnother be

10、ll rings at the end of each class,and everyone leaves class quickly and goes to the next classWhen students are in a hard class,they are often happy to hear the bell ringIf the class is interesting(有趣的),they do not want the bell to ringMost students like the lunch bell bestThey know that it is time

11、to join(参与)their friends for lunchThey buy a hot meal in the school dining hall or they bring their lunch meal in the school dining hall or they bring their lunch from home in a big paper bagAfter a nice lunch,everyone knows that it is soon time for another bell,another bell,another bell.1American s

12、tudents in high school hear about _ bells every dayAmany Btwenty Ctwelve Dmuch2The students know they are late if they _ Adont come to school early Bare not in their seats when they hear the first bell Chear another bell in the classroom Dare in their seats before the first bell rings3The students a

13、re happy to have _ Ainteresting classes Ba hard class Call the classes Da difficult class4Why do most students like the lunch bell best? Because _ Athey dont like their classes at all Bthey can enjoy(享用)their meals Cthey can join their friends for lunch Dthey can have a lot of food to eat5The students usually have their lunch _ Aat school Bin the restaurant Cat home Dat the partyBIm Bob and Im a student of No.2 Middle School. We have many rules at our school. I t



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