江苏盐城盐都郭猛中学七级英语下册Unit5AmazingthingsPeriod6Studyskills学案新牛津 1.doc

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1、Unit 5 Amazing thingsPeriod 6 Study skills 班级_姓名_小组_评价_【学习目标】掌握-ed结尾的单词的三种发音。【导学提纲】试试看,你能写出下列动词的过去式吗,并按-ed读音归类。 listen _ like _ want _ hope _ plant _ start_ finish _ walk _ stop _ raise _ organize _ join _/t/_/d/_/id/_【展示交流】1. 检查预习。2小组合作学习P65,归纳出动词-ed结尾的读音规则。3. 完成P65练习,并校对答案。4. 小组合作读Part C。【个案补充】_【盘

2、点收获】 1. 动词过去式-ed的发音: 在浊辅音和元音后面发/d/,但-ed前面读/d/的情况除外。如:called, answered, enjoyed中的-ed都发/d/。在清辅音后面发/t/,但-ed前面读/t/的情况除外。如:talked, helped, missed中的-ed都发/t/。在/t/或/d/后面发/id/。如:hated, needed, celebrated中的-ed都发/id/。【反馈矫正】一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. She_(like)_(dress) in red when she_(be) a little girl.2. My brother_(no

3、t like) playing football before. But now he_(be) crazy about it.3. Dinosaurs_(lay) eggs when they lived in the world.4. The boy_(stop) crying when he_(see) his mother.5. My shoes_(be) old.I_(buy) them in Shanghai two years ago.6. I _(not feel) well three days ago, but now I_(be) fine.7. Listen! Who_

4、(sing) in the next room?Its Tom. He always_(sing) at this time every day. But he_(not sing) yesterday.8. Mikes parents decided_(buy) him a camera.二、选择填空:( ) 1. Harry is very helpful. He _ water for the old man every day last year. A. is carryingB. carriesC. carriedD. will carry( ) 2. Tom _ his book

5、on the desk three minutes ago. But now he cant find it. A. puttedB. putC. putsD. is putting( ) 3. -_ you _the film last night? -No, I _. A. Do ; see; dontB. Did ; saw ; dontC. Did ; see ; didntD. Do ; see ; didnt ( ) 4. He went _ yesterday and _ some apples. A. shopping ; boughtB. shopping ; buyingC

6、. shop ; boughtD. shopping ; buy( ) 5. He often _ up at 5:30, but he _ up at 6:00 yesterday morning. A. gets ; getsB. got ; gotC. gets ; gotD. got ; gets ( ) 6. Who _ the cry first? -Tom did. A. hearsB. listens toC. listened toD. heard二、句型转换。1He read English in his bedroom the whole evening. (改为一般疑问

7、句) _ he _ English in his bedroom the whole evening?2. Simon felt happy last weekend. (改为否定句)Simon _ _happy last weekend. 3. They stayed there for about two weeks. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ they _ there?4. When I met Tony in that city, I was very surprised. (改为同义句) I was very surprised _ _ Tony in that city.5.

8、 Mary spent 250yuan on her new bike. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ Mary _ on her new bike? 【迁移创新】 用括号内动词的正确形式填空。Mr Green _ (be) a teacher in London. In summer he usually _(have) six weeks for holidays. Last year he _ (go) to China and Japan. He _ (have) a good time. He _ (talk) with some people in these two countries. He _ (eat) a lot of Chinese and Japanese food. The food _ (be) really good. When he _ (go) back to England, he _ (be) very tired. Now he _ (think) about his next summer holiday. He _ (want) _ (go) to the USA. 10



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