秋八级英语上册Lesson43WhatMakesYouUnique导学案新冀教 1.doc

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1、Lesson 43 What Makes You Unique Learning aims:Language goals:suppose, ourselves,person,personal,sense,talent,strength,Whats up?SOS,be supposed to,make sense,Its my pleasure.2Ability goals:Describe yourself and explain why you are unique. 3Moral goals:Cultivate the confidence of the students.Teaching

2、 important points: Learning the new words and phrases .the using of “Whats up?SOS,be supposed to,make sense,Its my pleasure.”.Teaching difficult points: Describe yourself and explain why you are unique.Teaching procedures II:【New Languages】 自主学习 质疑交流Words单词Phrases短语Sentences句子 随堂记录(收获、问题)Write down

3、the new words:Translation between English and Chinese1怎么了?有什么事?_ 2.紧急求救 _3.应该,被期望_ 4.有道理,有意义 _ _ 5.乐意效劳 _ _ 6.a little hard _ 7.special talents _ 8.个人特长 _ _ 9.be proud of 10No problem 11.not really To be a translation company争当小小翻译家:1:我们要写一篇报告来描述自己。 2.假设你正和朋友聊天。 3.是什么使你与众不同? 4.你觉得自己怎么样? 5.你还可以写写你的特殊

4、才能和个人特长。 合作探究 展示反馈I show my happiness.【我展示,我快乐!】.Whats up? 怎么了?类似用法还有:Whats wrong with you? Whats the matter / trouble with you ?Whats happened to you ?都可以翻译为:怎么回事?/ 有什么事? Eg:出了什么事?为什么大家都在喊叫? ? Why is everyone shouting? 发生什么事了? 没事. 我头又疼了。 ? Nothing. I got a headache again.SOS!救命!(求救信号),是国际莫尔斯电码救难信号,

5、并非任何单词的缩写。.be supposed to do sth “应该做某事,被期望做某事”, be(not) supposed to。“不应该做某事,不被许可”。主语是人,用来表示劝告,建议,义务,责任等, 相当于情态动词should.Eg: You are supposed to finish your homework first. You are not supposed to smoke on the bus. 你不应该在公共汽车上吸烟。Suppose 作动词,意思为“假定,认为”,相当于think.当主语是第一人称,需要否定后面的宾语从句时,形式上要否定主句。Eg:I dont

6、suppose shell come.我认为她不会来。Ex:1. They were _ to be here an hour ago.(suppose)2。I should meet him at the station.(同义句) I _ _ _ meet him at the station.3. I suppose, he wont come back now.(合并句子) I suppose he come back now.IV:Its my pieasure.我的荣幸。(乐于效劳)。Its my pieasure./Its a pleasure./My pleasure.可以用于

7、人家请求帮助时或者 你已经帮助别人,别人感谢你时所说的话,表示你很荣幸帮助她这个忙,用于事情发生之后。而with pleasure.” 乐于效劳”,多用于请求别人帮忙时,自己很乐意去做,用于事情发生之前。Eg:-Can you give me a glass of water? With pleasure.Thanks for helping me.My pleasure./ Its my pieasure. Its my pieasure to do sth.很荣幸去做某事。Ex: 1.认识阁下,深感荣幸.Its _ _to know you. 2. -Would you please op

8、en the widow?_ _.( )3. Its very kind of you to come and see me off. A.It my pieasure. B.Much better. C.Dont mention it. D.No problem.V:What do you like about yourself? 你觉得自己怎么样?What do you like about。?与What do you think of.?同义,意思为:你觉得。怎么样?用来询问对方对某人或某事物的观点,看法。其同义句还有:How do you like.?/how do you feel

9、about.?EX:1.-_do you like about the book? Its too boring. A.What B.Who C.How D.Which2. What do you think of my new car ?( 同义句) What do you _ _my new car ?= _do you _ my new car ?=How do you _ _ my new car ?总结归纳 训练检测Learn and use 活学活用1.I find _ a little hard. A.them B.it C.one D./2.What are you good

10、at? (同义句) What_ you _ _ _?3.What are you proud of? (同义句) What_ you _ _ _?4That seems hard. (同义句) That seems _ _hard.5. Do you have a _ computer? (person)6. We can finish it all by .(our)7. Tom is _unique _in his class. A.a;people B.an;people C.a; person D.an;person8. What he said _ _。(有道理)9The book

11、is too interesting.(对划线部分提问) _ do you _ of the book?10He is _ (有天赋的) in/at music.11We are supposed _ school on time.A.arrive B. to arrive at C.getting to D.reaching toI m young writer我是小作家!Using the phrases to make sentences;Whats up? 1. 2. be supposed (not)to do sth 1. 2. What do you like about。? 1. 2. make sense1. 2 III课后反思:你掌握本节课的所有知识点了吗? 2



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