秋八级英语上册Module10Theweather整体分析新外研 1.doc

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1、Module 10 The weather 模块整体分析重点词句梳理Unit 1It might snow. 单词卡片名词:cloud, shower, snow, storm, ice, joke, temperature, degree 动词:snow, skate, joke, wish形容词:cloudy, rainy, snowy, sunny, windy, thick, minus, wet, terrible情态动词:might 副词:neither, probably 连词:although短语归纳thick ice, betweenand, snow quite a lot

2、, as well, come on, better get going句型再现1.Are you joking? Its really cold today.2Whats the temperature? Its between minus eight and minus two degrees!3I like sunny weather, and I like snow as well. 4Me neither. 5Come on, better get going!Unit 2The weather is fine all year round. & Unit 3单词卡片名词:mile,

3、 northwest, southeast形容词:northwest, southeast副词:round短语归纳all year round, travel around, turn gold, take photos of, had better do sth., go swimming, compared to, from time to time句型再现1.Bring your camera so you can take photos of the autumn trees.2you had better go in summer.3In Texas and the southeas

4、t, it is usually very hot and sunny compared to other places.4. So when is the best time to visit the US? Any time you like!教材内容解读本模块以“天气”为话题,旨在通过学习使学生学会谈论天气和气象信息,并了解去一个地方旅游的最佳时间。通过Unit 1贝蒂、托尼、大明与玲玲谈论天气的对话,及Unit 2介绍去美国旅游的最佳时间,使学生能够准确理解并运用情态动词may和might,能听懂、读懂与天气相关的对话和描述。通过本模块的学习,可以使学生们熟练地运用may/might来

5、表达可能性,并能够就选择最佳时机去某地旅游提出建议。Unit 1通过本单元的学习要求学生:1.熟悉天气预报中温度的表达法,并能够开展与天气有关的对话; 2.熟练运用词汇(cloudy, although等)、句型(better get going等)及语法(may/might, probably的用法)。Unit 2通过本单元的学习要求学生:1.了解去美国游玩的最佳时间; 2.熟练运用词汇(round, from time to time等)、句型(The best time to等)及语法(may/might的用法)。Unit 3通过本单元的练习要求学生:1.进一步巩固may/might,

6、probably的用法; 2.能够掌握与天气相关的词汇和句型,简单地描述天气和气象信息。功能话题应用1Where are you going?2Are you coming with us?3Are you joking?4Its really cold today./And its cloudy too, so it might snow.5Whats the temperature?Its between minus eight and minus two degrees!6Whats the weather like in America in winter?7Sounds great!

7、8I like sunny weather, and I like snow as well./But I dont like showers or windy weather.9Me neither.10Come on, better get going! 11The best time to visit New England is in September. 12Any time you like!语法结构点击 1掌握表示推测的情态动词may/might、副词probably的用法。(详见模块语法聚焦十)2掌握谈论天气的句型。 话题相关链接Good morning! Its 7 oclo

8、ck. Heres the weather report for some big cities in China. It is cloudy in Beijing. The highest temperature is 35 degrees and the lowest is 25 degrees. In the northeast of China, Harbin, it is going to be rainy all day. Make sure you go out with your umbrellas. In Hong Kong theres beautiful sunshine

9、.The highest temperature is 27 degrees and the lowest temperature is 19 degrees.Thats the weather report for today. Thank you for listening.词汇拓展sunshine n. 阳光;日光Best time to visit Australia“When is the best time to travel through Outback Australia?” is a question that I often hear. There is no simpl

10、e answer to it. It depends mostly on where you want to go. The Outback in Australia is huge and spans several climate zones.It also depends on what kind of activities you are interested in and by which means you travel. The weather will be of more importance if you want to go camping, or if you want

11、 to go swimming.In my opinion, any time is a good time to visit the Australian Outback. There will always be a part of Australia for which the time you chose is just perfect.The Arid Regions of Outback Australia The weather in arid inland Australia is characterised by extremes, hot days and freezing

12、 nights. Overall there are hotter days and milder nights in summer, compared to bearable days and freezing nights in winter. Of course keep in mind that the seasons are opposite to the northern hemispheres. I should mention here that the temperatures alone dont tell the whole story. Humidity is a hu

13、ge factor as well. The drier the heat the less you will feel it. Less humidity and cloud cover also mean that heat is not retained at night. You can have very hot days but the nights are still pleasantly cool. Always look at the temperature and humidity.Having said that, the driving distances in Out

14、back Australia are huge and if you are driving you will spend a lot of time in your vehicle. If you want to drive through Outback Australia in summer, do yourself a favour and make sure the car has air conditioning. Ill tell you a “secret” for how to deal with the heat. Drink, drink, drink! Water, t

15、hat is, not sweet sodas. If you go for walks, always take a water bottle. As I said above, you dont feel the heat much if it is dry, but you will lose even more moisture. Drinking enough water is the single most important thing you can do to feel well in higher temperatures! It can make a difference .词汇拓展arid adj. 干旱的;干燥的inland adj. (在)内陆的extreme n. 完全相反的事物;极端overall adj. 总体的,综合的bearable adj. 能忍受的moisture n. 潮气;水汽;水分3


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