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1、Unit 5 wild animals一、 根据句意和首字母提示、英文释义或中文提示,写出正确的单词1. Children under five usually travel for f_ on trains.2. The flowers d_ because I didnt water them in time.3. A lot of wild animals are in danger. They are f_ serious problems now.4. Think well before you a_.5. Were s_ to hear that your grandmother

2、is in hospital again.6. -Some hunters always kill animals for their fur. -What a s_! We should take action to stop them.7. After a long _ (讨论), we all agreed to go on a trip to the zoo.8. Children need parents _ (保护).9. What a s_! You shouldnt bully (欺负) the weak.10. When I hear the good news, Im fu

3、ll of h_ in my heart.11. -Whats the m_ of this word “kill” in Chinese?-It means “make sb. die”二、 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Cats are useful to people, because they often catch _ for food. (mouse)2. When the panda was 20 months old, she had to look after _. (she)3. -Does your brother watch TV every day? -Yes, whe

4、n he finishes _ the piano.(practice)4. _ (hunt) like hunting animals.5. Our class has a class _ (meet) on Monday afternoon.6. Because of _ (dark), the baby kept crying.7. Because Kitty _(lose) her bike, she had to go to school on foot.三、 选择填空( ) 1. I saw _ elephant in the zoo yesterday. It was my fi

5、rst time to see _ biggest animal on land.A. an; a B. an; the C. the; a D. a; the ( ) 5. _, it is difficult for bears _ enough place to live in. A. Sadly; to find B. Sad; to find C. Sad; finding D. Sadly; finding( ) 6. Jack told his father _ about him. He can _ himself. A. dont worry; look after B. n

6、ot to worry; look for C. not worry; look at D. not to worry; look after( ) 7. _ news report about saving the wild tigers! A. What useful B. What a useful C. How useful D. How a useful ( ) 8. John _ come to see us tonight, but he isnt very sure. A. may B. can C. has to D. must( ) 9. You look very tir

7、ed after working for such a long time. Why not _ a rest? A. stop taking B. stop to take C. to stop taking D. to stop to take ( ) 10. He tried _ any noise because the boy was sleeping in bed. A. to make B. dont make C. not to make D. not making( ) 11. -He _ be at home, I think. -No, he _ be at home.

8、I saw him go shopping just now. A. can; may not B. must; may not C. may; cant D. may; mustnt( ) 12. Please stop _ about your favourite animals if you _ busy. A. talking, wont B. to talk, dont C. to talk, arent D. to talk, wont be四、 根据汉语完成句子。1. 事实上,很多人把宠物当成家人。 _ _, many people treat their pets as fam

9、ily members.2. 因为失去了它们生存的区域,野生动物处境危险。它们随时都可能成为桌上的菜肴。 Wild animals are _ _ because of _ _ _. They _ become _ on the table any time.3. 我们应该怜悯那些贫困的农民。We should _ _ _ those _ farmers.4. 我们能不能让我们的宠物生活在野外?Can we leave our pets living _ _ _?5. 一开始,我们都很害怕那些动物。We were very _ _ those animals _ _ _.6. 在4个月大时,她

10、重约10公斤。 _ four months old, she _ about 10 _.7. 八个月后,她不再是个婴儿了。 Eight _ _, she wasnt a _ _ _. 9. 我们应该立刻采取措施保护大熊猫。 We should _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.10. 我们不应该买毛皮大衣了。 We shouldnt _ _ _.11. 许多人认为狼对于人类来说是危险的。 Many people think _ _ _ _ _.12. 其中一些动物主要以树叶为生。Some of those animals _ _ _ tree leaves.13. 那些熊猫幼崽是在九月的最后一天

11、出生的。Those _ pandas _ _ on the last day of September14. 我没有足够的睡眠。因此,我常常感到瞌睡。I do not have enough sleep. _ _ _, I often feel sleepy.15. 门关着,所以蝙蝠飞不出房间。The door _ _, so the _ cant fly out of the room.16. 蜜蜂总是记得它们走过的同样的路。_ always remember _ _ _ _ they went.17. 有些动物学会了把它们吃不了的食物储存起来。Some animals _ _ _ the

12、food they cannot eat up.21. 他离开家时忘记随身带着雨伞。He _ _ _ an umbrella with him when he left home.22. 老虎跑得快,但仅仅是一会儿。_ can run fast, but _ _ _ _.23. 他杀死那个动物,并将尾巴卖给了我。He _ the animal and _ its _ to me.25. 我给她发出了邀请,但她没有接受。I _ her an _, but she did not _ it.27. 由于猎杀,许多大象失去了生命。Many elephants _ _ _ _ _ _.28. 如果你们进行


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