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1、Lesson 31 ow Do You Travel Learning aims:Language goals:transportation, hometown, Britain, seldom, rapid,on foot 2Ability goals:Expressing possibility and impossibility。 3Moral goals:Teaching important points: Learning the new words and phrases .the using of “could”.Teaching difficult points: Expres

2、sing possibility and impossibility。Teaching procedures II:【New Languages】 自主学习 质疑交流Words单词Phrases短语Sentences句子 随堂记录(收获、问题)Write down the new words:Translation between English and Chinese1步行_ 2.步行上学_/ 3.乘火车_ 4.乘船 _ 5.乘飞机 _ 6.在大洋彼岸_ 7.最喜欢的交通方式_ 8.速度快的交通方式_ 9.一年两次 To be a translation company争当小小翻译家:1:去

3、其他城市怎么样?。 2.你能步行去另外一个城市吗。 3.它是我最喜欢的交通方式。 4.但那要花费很长时间。 合作探究 展示反馈I show my happiness.【我展示,我快乐!】.I can go almost anywhere on foot.我可以步行去任何地方。Anywhere 是不定代词,用于肯定句,意为“在任何地方,随便哪里,无论何处”。反义词是anyplace”。如:Sit anywhere you like. 你随便坐吧。Ex: 1.就把它随便放个地方。Just put it down _. 2.我可以带你到任何你爱去的地方。Ill take you _ you like

4、. 用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中,用以代替 somewhere, 意为“在 (往)什么地方”。如:I cannot find it anywhere. 我在什么地方都没找到它。Ex: 1. 今晚你要去什么地方吗? Are you going _ tonight? 2. 你要是去什么地方,带我一起去。If you go _, take me with you.3. 他除了去办公室,很少去任何地方。He rarely went _except to his office. .I seldom travel by ship.我很少坐船旅行。 Seldon是一个频度副词,意思是“不常,罕见,难得”,句

5、中通常位于助动词和be动词之后,实意动词之前。也是一个否定副词,在反意疑问句中,当陈述部分含有seldom时,其附加疑问部分需用肯定结构。例如:She is seldom late for school,is she?她上学很少迟到,是吗?Ex:1.他很少周末去图书馆。He _ goes to the library on weekends.2. I seldom travel by ship,_ _? (反义疑问句)3. I seldom heard of her last year.(变为否定句)。_.Could you go to another city on foot?你能步行去另一

6、个城市吗?could的用法 1.表示能力:能,能够,会.He could swim when he was five.(can的过去式) Can you drive a car? Yes, I can. No, I cant. 2.表示推测:可能,会 。表示推测时,could不是过去式,只是语气更委婉;若是推测已发生的事或过去的情况用can/could have done 例如:Today is Sunday. He cant/couldnt be at school. Mike cant have found(表示推测) his car, for he came to work by bus

7、 this morning. 3.表示礼貌客气的请求、恳请对方做某事,常用句型could you (please)?表示请求希望对方允许自己做某事时,用Could I ? 时态上还属于在时。如: Could you please pass me the book on the desk?注意:could不是过去式,只是语气较can更委婉,其肯定回答和否定回答不用could ,习惯上肯定回答用may,can等;否定回答用cant或mustnt。例如:Could I have the television on? Yes, you can. / No, you cant.Ex:1.You coul

8、d take a ship to your hometown.(变为否定句) _.2.-Could you help me, please? -Of course , I _.3.-Could you stay for a little longer? -Sorry ,I _. I have to be back before seven.4.-Could I smoke here, please? -No,you_.Look at the sign “No Smoking”!总结归纳 训练检测Learn and use 活学活用1.-The _ (Britain) drink a lot o

9、f tea.2. _ the bridge and you will find a bookshop.(across)3. Our country has developed _.(rapid)4. What about _ (chat) on the Internet?5. It would take a long time tp go from Canada to Britain.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ it _ tp go from Canada to Britain?6 The train is my favourite type of transportation. (对划线

10、部分提问) _ _ _ favourite type of transportation?7.I cant find my watch,but it must be_in this roon. A.everywhere B.nowhere C.anywhere D.somewhere8. -Could you ride a bike when you were ten? -Yes, _. /No , _.9 She seldom goes out,_ _ ?(反义疑问句)10. You can walk to the bakery to buy donuts.(同义句转换)You can_ _ the bakery to buy donuts _ _I m young writer我是小作家!Using the phrases “favourite type of transportation , On foot” to make sentences; III课后反思:你掌握本节课的所有知识点了吗? 2


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