湖南地区中考英语模拟考试二 .doc

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1、2006年湖南地区中考英语模拟考试二听力(三个部分,共20小题,计20分)A) 单句理解(共5小题,计5分)听下面5个句子,每个句子后面都有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C3个选项中选出你所听到的句子中的内容。听完每个句子后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每个句子仅读一遍。现在你有5秒钟的时间阅读第一小题。 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. B补全对话。(共5小题,计5分)听下面的5个句子,每个句子后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 3个选项中选出正确的答语补全对话。听完每个句子后,你都

2、有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每个句子仅读一遍。现在你有5秒钟的时间阅读下一小题。( ) A. Sun Xiaoyan ran 800 metres. B. It was difficult to run the race.C. Sun Xiaoyan did. ( ) A. Oh dear! Whats wrong? B. Thats all right. C. It doesnt matter.( ) A. Yes, I want. B. Yes, please. C. No, I dont like.( ) A. Yes. Welcome back to school a

3、gain. B. Certainly, we are. C. No, I dont mind.( ) A. Yes, but my pencil is lost. B. I want to write a letter. C. Sorry, I left my pen at home.C对话与短文理解(共两节,10小题,计10分)第一节:听下面的5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 3个选项中选出符合对话内容的最佳选项。听每段对话前,你都有5秒钟的时间来阅读有关小题。听完每段对话后,你将有5秒钟的作答时间。现在你有5秒钟的时间阅读下一小题。( ) A. She doesnt

4、want to play table tennis. B. She wants to play table tennis.C. She wants to see the doctor.( ) A. Joy is answering someones question. B. Joy is working in her study.C. Joy is speaking to someone else on the phone.( ) A. She doesnt like the woollen one. B. She likes both of them.C. She likes the cot

5、ton one.( ) A. 24. B. 28. C. 29.( ) A. He helped the old woman with it. B. He bought an ice cream with it.C. He gave an ice cream to the woman.第二节:听下面的一段独白,独白后面有5个小题。根据所听到的独白内容,在各小题空中填入1至3个适当的词。听独白前,你将有25秒钟的时间阅读各个小题。听完独白后,你将有50秒钟的时间阅读下面5个小题。16. Sometimes I _my twin brother who is not here with me.17

6、.After the war in which my dear father and mother were killed, I _my happy life, my school, and my family.18. I dont know _ he has anyone to look after him like I do.19. I feel so lucky to be here _ sometimes I almost forget my sadness because people here are very kind.20. Many girls and boys lost t

7、heir parents and brothers in the war like me, so I_wars.知识(两个部分,共35小题,计35分)A) 单项选择(共15小题,计15分)从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。( )21.jack bought useful book. book is also very interesting.A an; The B a; The C an; A ( )22.-_ the sports meeting might be put off.-Yes, it all depends on the weather.A. I ve bee

8、n told B. Ive told C. Im told ( )23.Shirley _ a book about China last year but I dont knowwhether she has finished it.A. has written B. wrote C. was writing( )24.We dont allow _ in this room.A. smoking B. to smoke C. people to smoking( )25.I havent got a chair _. Will you make room for me?A. to sit

9、B. to sit in C. for sitting ( )26.It was so cold that the travelers had the fire _ allthe night.A. burning B. burn C. burnt( )27. A tsunami (海啸) happened in some southern Asian countries _ December, 2004.A. at B. onC. in( )28. When Yang Liwei came back from space, many reporters interviewed _ and go

10、t some first-hand information.A. he B. himC. himself( )29. Liu Xiang and Yao Ming are world-famous sports stars. _ of them have set a good example to us.A. AllB. NeitherC. Both( )30. Nowadays science fiction isnt as _ as cartoons among teenagers.A. popular B. more popular C. less popular( )31. How m

11、agnificent the Bund looks at night when all the lights are _!A. turned overB. turned off C. turned on( )32. During World War II, a Jewish (犹太) lady was protected by a local family in Shanghai in her _.A. fiftiesB. fiftyC. fiftieth( )33. The Oriental Pearl TV Tower _ tens of thousands of visitors sin

12、ce l995.A. attractedB. attractsC. has attracted( )34. Professor Nelson wanted to know _.A. when would the conference begin B. when the conference would beginC. When the conference will begin( )35. What is a left-luggage office? Its a place where bags for a short time, especially at a station.A. will

13、be leaved B. mustleave C. can be left110 BA C A B A BBCACACBCB)完形填空(共20小题,计20分)a从下面方框中选出10个单词,用它们的适当形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确、通顺(每词限用一次)。(10题 10分)wait possible have or by want him worry not world and wake Only Mother Love is true love . It gives everybody everything all (36) life. When you are still a baby,

14、 mother takes good care of you as (37).In your (38) hours she always holds you in her arms. When you are ill, she stops her work right now to look after you day and night (39) forgets about herself. When you are growing up day (40)day, she feels very happy. When you are old enough to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on more clothes. She always stands in t


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