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1、河北省滦平县2015届中考英语二模试题2015年初中毕业生升学文化课模拟考试参考答案1-5.BCCBB 6-10. BAACB 11-15. BACAB 16-20.CBCAB21-25. CBCBA 26-30 CDDCD 31-35BAADA 36-40: BBDCB 41-45:BACDC 46-50:CBACC 51-55:BADBD 56-60:CDDBA61-65:ACDBD 66-70:ABDAD 71. 9/nine 72. drove 73. parents 74. With the help 75. happily76. on the left77. She lives i

2、n Hong Kong./ In Hong Kong. 78. Because it can speed up the movement of people./ To speed up the movement of people. 79. enough to say a simple“excuse me”.80.但站在自动扶梯上的人会告诉行人不要那么不耐烦。81. opening 82. twelfth 83. Luckily 84. was interested in 85. teachers186. Can you dance with me?87. Where did you go o

3、n vacation?88. He plays sports to keep healthy.89. How creative the children are!. 90. She told me the news just now./ Just now she told me the news.91.书面表达One possible version:Dear Chairman,I am a boy of Class Eight, Grade Nine. Id like to be a member of the Helping Hands Club. I am in good health.

4、 I like studying and always work hard at my lessons. I think its our duty to care about others around us, so I often help people in need. Besides, I get on well with my classmates and often help them with their lessons. On my way home, I often help old people cross the street. On the bus, I always offer my seat to women with babies or the needy people. Sometimes, I pick up rubbish in the park to make our city cleaner. If I join the club, I will be able to do more for others. Ill be glad if I could be accepted. I am waiting for your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 13


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