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1、初三英语8A过关复习题(答题时间:60分钟)一. 根据句意完成单词: 1. I _ (建议) that we stay and wait here. 2. The _(事故) happened on a misty evening. 3. The Class 2 runner _(使落下) his stick on ground. 4. Its his duty to solve the _(问题). 5. He feels _(紧张不安) because he will take an English exam tomorrow. 6. We can be sure that he is _

2、(诚实的). 7. They found it hard to _(决定) whether to go swimming or not. 8. The patient isnt out of _(危险). 9. This flower _(闻起来) good. 10. People look at each other in _(恐惧). 11. The camel is a _(有用的) animal. 12. He gave us some _(建议) on how to learn English. 13. John and his brother have totally differ

3、ent _(性格). 14. It is _(无用的) to talk about it now. 15. We live _(密切的) to each other. 16. They made a big fire to keep _(野生的) animals off. 17. He will go there by _(长途汽车). 18. _(无处) is the book to be found. 19. What is your _(到达) time? 20. We enjoyed _(我们自己) very much last night.二. 单项选择题:( )1. Max is

4、good at _ jokes, he always makes us _.A. to tell; laughing B. telling; to laughC. to tell; laugh D. telling; laugh( )2. If there are no forests, many animals _.A. is dying B. died C. die D. will have died( )3. Millies English is as _ as Amys.A. good B. well C. better D. the best( )4. Today we have_

5、homework to do.A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too( )5. We decide _ at home this Sunday.A. will stay B. stay C. to stay D. staying( )6. Do you know _ cook tasty meals?A. how to B. what to C. how do we D. what we( )7. When Xi Wang was a _ panda, she started to eat bamboo shoots.A. six-mon

6、th-old B. six-month old C. six-months-old D. six month old( )8. I think we should not buy clothes _of animal fur.A. make B. making C. made D. to make( )9. -_ is your friend, Max? -He is 1.75 metres.A. How long B. How tall C. How far D. How high( )10. I have _ money than you.A. fewer B. less C. few D

7、. little( )11. I dont have _ to tell you.A. something important B. important something C. anything important D. important anything( )12. I think _ is very interesting.A. swim B. swimming C. swims D. swiming( )13. Jack cant drive a car, Daniel cant drive, _.A. also B. too C. either D. as well( )14. _

8、, he was not hurt badly.A. Luck B. Lucky C. Luckily D. Unluckily( )15. When he _ up, he would like to be a social worker.A. grow B. to grow C. will grow D. grows( )16. Betty is kind and she is very generous _ her friends.A. to B. for C. of D. at( )17. Who is _ in the class?A. the fastest B. fastest

9、C. faster D. fast( )18. There is _ food in the fridge. We must go to buy some.A. a little B. little C. a few D. few( )19. Nancys school lunch _ Johns school lunch.A. alike B. is alike C. likes D. is like( )20. We have _ free time than you.A. much B. many C. more D. the most三. 用所给词的适当形式填空: 1. He is a

10、 _ (Britain) student, he comes from London. 2. Do you know a boy _ (call) Jack? 3. Where is the _ (live) area of the rare red-crowned cranes? 4. It is really _ (snow) today. So I got to school late. 5. It rained very _ (heavy). We all got wet. 6. Jim thinks that it is very _ (interest) to read books

11、. 7. Birds can find food _ (easy) here. 8. He is in _ (dangerous), we should help him. 9. There are many yellow _ (leaf) in autumn. 10. I can do the work by _ (me).四. 完成句子: 1. 保护野生动物很重要。 2. 许多野生动物没有生活的地方。 3. 老师叫我下次不要迟到。 4. 去年夏天,我们游览了北京的许多名胜古迹。 5. 每天早晨,他总是带着他的狗去散步。 6. 每天我们都有许多时间进行课外活动。 7. 丹尼尔自学了如何制作主

12、页。 8. 外面的雨下得多大啊! 9. 对不起,我忘记把我的钥匙带来了。 10. 两个小时以后,天气将会变得更加恶劣。 11. 今晚你们几点乘火车去北京? 12. 因为他们很害怕,数千人慌忙地逃跑。 13. 那女孩对唱歌、跳舞感兴趣。 14. 我不知道我奶奶多大年纪了。 15. 最后, 吉姆不得不在暴风雨中慢慢地行走。 16. 桑笛的学校因为闪电击中而着火了。 17. 乘车时她总是把座位让给最需要的人。 18. 在那次地震中,他们尽力挽救了20个人的生命。 19. 我们必须尽力防止自然灾害的发生。 20. 他们告诉自己要平静下来, 因为他们还活着。五. 完型填空:One night, a thief broke into an old couples house. _1_ careless noise work up the husband and the _2_. The husband told the wife to be _3_, while he said loudly, “My dear, thes


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