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1、辽宁省大石桥市金桥管理区初级中学2014-2015学年七年级英语上学期第一次月考试题 本检测题满分:100分,时间:60分钟、单项填空(15分)1. Hello, Miss Li. This is Sam. _ , Sam.A. Good morning B. Hello C. Im Li Ping D. My name is Li Ping2. Are you ten? _.A. Yes, I be B. Yes, Im C. Yes, I am D. Yes, I is 3. _are you in? Im in Class 5.A. what class B. What class C.

2、 How D. How old4. How many _are there? A. bags B. bag C. boy D. girl5. Her name is Tina and_ is my sister.A. he B. they C. it D. she6. _ this in English?A. What B. Whats C. Whats D. Whats7. How_ you spell “ desk ”?A. are B. is C. do D. be 8. Whats this_ English?A. on B. in C. with D. of9. What color

3、 is it? Its_.A. desk B. fine C. yellow D. welcome10. Write it_ the blackboard.A. in B. on C. of D. With11. Whats your favourite sport,Tom? I like_. A.drawing B.playing basketball C.writing D.singing12. Whats your telephone_? Its 289630. A.number B.class C.name D.friend13. There is _ “s” in the word

4、desk. A.a B.an C. the D./14. Is this _ orange? Yes, it is_orange orange. A.an ; an B.a ; an C.a ; a D.an ; a15. Thank you very much. _. A.Im fine. B. Yes, of course. C.You are welcome. D.Im Sorry.、共15分 A.完形填空(10分)Hello, boys and girls. My 16 is Wang Hua. I 17 in Class Three. This is our 18 .There ar

5、e 46 19 and 47 chairs in it. 20 are 22 boys and 24 girls in our class. There are 21 English girls 22 our class. They are Lucy and Lily. 23 are twins (双胞胎). We are 24 . Miss Li is 25 teacher. She is friendly (友好的). We like our class. 16. A. bookB. name C. pen 17. A. isB. areC. am 18. A. bodyB. classr

6、oomC. teacher19. A. desksB. cupsC. maps 20. A. TheseB. ThisC. There 21. A. oneB. two C. three 22. A. inB. atC. of23. A. WeB. TheyC. She24. A. headsB. daughtersC. friends25. A. ourB. yourC. her B.补全对话(5分) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,有两项是多余的。A: Hi, Lucy.B: Hi, Jane.A: 26 B: Nice to meet you, David. 27 C: I

7、m from Amecica.B: 28 C: I am in Class Two.C: Oh, I am in Class Two, too.B: 29 C: I am in Grade Two.B: Well, we are in different grades. 30 C: I am twelve years old.B: Oh, I am older than you. A. Where are you from? B. What is your favourite colour? C. What class are you in? D. How old are you? E. Th

8、is is my friend, David. F. What is your name? G. What grade are you in?、阅读理解(20 分)A(10分)B(10分)根据对话内容,选择最佳答案。A: Good afternoon, Amy! Come in, please.B: Good afternoon, Tom! Thank you!A: How are you?B: Im fine, thanks. How are you?A: Fine, thank you. Oh, a small dog.B: Its my dog, Xiaohei.A: Oh, its b

9、eautiful.B: Thank you.A: I like its eyes. They are big.B: Yes.36. Who are talking?A. Amy and her dog.B. Tom and his dog. C. Amy and Tom.37. When are they talking?A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon.C. In the evening. 38. How is Amy?A. Hes fine.B. Its fine.C. Shes fine.39. What is the dogs name?A.

10、 Tom.B. Amy.C. Xiaohei.40. What does Tom like about (关于) the dog?A. Its eyes.B. Its nose.C. Its head.、共20分.A:根据句意及首字母提示完成句子(10分)41. My n is Kate.42. W is your name, please?43. Whats this in E ? Its a book.44. H are you? Fine, thanks.45. What day is it today? Its M .46. Good m , Helen!47. C you spell it, p ? Yes, L-I-N-G-L-I-N-G.48 Its w in London in spring.49 Tomorrow is Friday, today is T .B:汉译英(10分)50.星期三 _51星期六 _52.秋天 _53.见到你很高兴. _.54 明天见. _.55 到该走的时间了. Its _.56下午好,周老师. _, Miss Zhou.57 再见,同学们! _!58 夏天的天气怎么样? _


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