江苏淮安涟水高沟中学七级英语下册 Unit 5 Amazing things Reading1导学案新牛津.doc

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1、Unit 5 Amazing things 一、【学习目标】: 1、学习 新单词及短语。 2、初步了解课文大意。二、【学习重难点】:读懂课文,了解课文大意。三、【自主学习】:翻译词语:1、和平常一样 2、坐下 3、突然 4、一声低语 5、灌木丛 6、转身 7、任何人 8、没有人 9、回答 10、奇怪的 11、迅速的离开 12、在他们回家的路上 四、【合作探究】:1、导入:播放一些奇怪的声音,问学生:你想到了什么?(a ghost ) T: Do you want to read a modern ghost story / S: Yes .2、 播放录音。 Ask the questions

2、: (1)、What is the ghost ? (2)、Where did the whisper come form ? (3)、Who found the ghost ?3、Read together .4、完成part B1 、B2 。集体纠正,说明原因。5、熟读课文。五、【达标巩固】:一、根据句意填入所缺单词。1、The cat was so (not strong) that they took it to the animal centre.2、“Is anyone here ?”he asked , but no one (say or write something as

3、an answer) .3、They (to look carefully sb. /sth. ) for hours but couldnt find the watch .4、The world is full of (surprising) things .5、The little dog made a sound like a (quiet sound).二、根据句意,用适当的形式填空。1、As (usually) ,he got up at six this morning.2、Please listen to the teacher (careful).3、They run away (quick)4、Is there (something) interesting in todays newspaper ?5、Andy (find) a little cat in the bushes that day .1


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