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1、Unit 3 How do you get to school ?重点短语词组汇总【短语归纳】1.到达学校 get to school 2.乘地铁 take the / a subway3.自行车 ride the / a bike 4.多远 how far5.从到 fromto 6.每天 every day7. 乘公共汽车 take the / a bus 8.骑自行车 by bike9. 公共汽车站 bus stop 10、认为 think of 11、 和玩 play with 12、在和之间 betweenand13、一个11岁的男孩 an 11-year-old boy14、实现 c

2、ome true 15、 不得不 have to 16、步行去 walk to 17、多长时间 how long 18、上一封电子邮件 last e-mail19、骑自行车去上学校 ride a bike to school=go to school by bike20、从你家到学校 from your home to school21、我不确定 Im not sure 22、玩得开心 have a good time24、步行去上学 walk to school=go to school on foot25、开他的车去上班 drive his car to work=go to work b

3、y car26、乘公共汽车去上学go to school by bus=take a bus to school27、公共汽车站 bus stop 28、汽车站 bus station29、火车站train station 30、地铁站 subway station31、到他祖父母家 get to his grandparents home32、认为 think of=think about 33过河 cross the river34、做某事很容易 its easy to do sth.35、在和之间 between.and.36、乘/坐索道 go on a ropeway 37、害怕某事/

4、某物 be afraid of sth38、害怕做某事 be afraid to do sth. 39、与玩play with sb.40、许多学生 many of the students=many students41离开村庄leave the village离开我家leave my home43、因为而感谢 thinks for sth=thinks for doing sth.44、花某人的时间做某事 t takes sb time to do sth【用法集萃】1、乘去 taketo = go to by eg: take a bus to school = go to school

5、 by bus乘公共汽车去上学2、是怎样到的?How do /does get to ?eg: How do you get to school? 你怎样去上学?3、从到有多远? How far is it from to ?eg: How far is it from your home to school?从你家到学校有多远?4.做某事花费某人多长时间。It takes sb. some time to do sth.5、 花费多长时间?How long does it take ?eg: How long does it take you to get to school? 你到学校要花

6、多少时间?6、做某事是 It is +adj. + to do sth.eg: For many students, it is easy to get to school.对许多学生来说,到校是很容易的。7、在和之间 betweenandeg: There is a very big river between their school and the vellage. 在他们的学校和村庄之间有一条大河。8、感谢你(做)某事。 Thanks for +n./ v . ing.Thanks for your last e-mail.谢谢你上次的电子邮件。3.9、离开某地 leave + 地点名

7、词He leave school at six every afternoon. 他每天下午6点钟离开学校。10、离开A地去B地 leave +地点名词A + for +地点名词B My uncle will leave China for the USA.我叔叔要离开中国去美国了。11、动身去 leave for My uncle will leave for the USA. 我叔叔要动身去美国了。12、认为怎么样 what think of =what think aboutMary wants to know what he thinks of the trip.玛丽想知道他认为这次旅

8、行怎么样。【语法专项】 如何询问和表达交通方式一、询问交通方式1、How + do / does sb. + 谓语动词 + 地点 ?询问某人以什么方式到达某地。eg: How does your uncle go to Beijing ?你叔叔怎样去北京?2、Do / Does sb. + 交通方式 + 地点 ?某人是不是以某种方式来/去某地的。eg: Does your dad his car to work ?你爸爸开他的车去上班吗?表达交通方式 用介词表示(1)介词by + 表示交通工具的名词单数形式,(名词前不加冠词,和修饰语)eg : We often go to school by

9、 bike .我们常常骑自行车去上学。(2)介词on / in 修饰语 + 交通工具的的名词 (修饰语可以是冠词、形容词性物主代词或名词所有格)eg : How did he go to school yesterday ?昨天他怎么去上学的?On his bike .骑自行车。Does Jim go to visit his grandparents in his car ?吉姆开车去看他的祖父母了吗?a :在bike 或 motorbike 前,只能用介词on.eg : They go to work on their bikes / motorbikes .他们骑自行车 / 摩托车上班。

10、b:在car 或taxi前,多用介词in 。We are going to the supermarket in Johns car .我们将坐约翰的车去超市。c:on + 表示交通工具的动物名词,表示“骑驴/马/象/骆驼等”。其中要在动物名词前加不定冠词a / an 。eg :He went there on a horse . 他骑马去了那里。2、用动词表示(1)动词 + to 地点名词 或 动词 + 地点副词 (ride / drive / fly / walk +to + 地点名词,如这些动词后面跟副词时,不加to.)eg: I usually walk to school .我通常步行上学。(加地点名词) Jack flew there last Sunday .杰克星期日乘飞机去那里了。(加地点副词)(2)take a /the + 表示交通工具的名词eg:Mr Smith takes a bus to go to work every morning .史密斯先生每天早晨乘公共汽车去上班。eg :How do you go to work every day ?你每天怎样去上班?I take the subway to work. / I go to work by subway . / I go to work in the subway . 我乘地铁去上班。4



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