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1、Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks Section A(1a-2d)学习目标1.掌握1a-2d的词语2.学习提供帮助的表达方式;3.谈论志愿者活动; 学习重点学习表建议和一些提供帮助的动词短语的用法。学习难点动词不定式作宾语、状语和宾语补足语,情态动词could表建议。学习程序学习过程学习札记【一】自主学习 明确目标1 试读单词,解决语音问题,联系有关旧单词 2 查阅下面的短语动词1. 清洁日_ 2.养老院_3.帮助解决困难_4.曾经 ;过去_5.关心;照顾_ 6.快乐的表情_7. (使)变得更高兴;振奋_8.分发;散发_9.想出;提出_ 10

2、.制订计划_11.做些公告牌_ 12.建造;举起;张贴_ 13.分发;散发;发给_3观察以上词组的构成方式: 【语言点】这些短语均为动词与副词构成,他们是紧密相连的,并产生一个新意相当于一个简单的动词,这样的叫短语动词。若有代词作宾语,必须将代词放于动词与副词之间,如:Dont give it up.不要放弃它。注意: 它们的宾语若是名词,这名词放在副词的前后均可如:give out food=give food out若是代词宾格,则一定放在副词的前面cheer them up,切记!切记!【拓展】常与give搭配的短语 give in 投降;让步 give up(doing sth.)放弃

3、(做某事) give off 发出(气味、光、烟等) give away 赠送,免费送出4. 你知道提供帮助和表建议的句型吗? A:Id like to B: You could.(1) Id like to help homeless people.(2) You could help to clean up the city parks.5.通过预习你还有什么不懂的地方吗? 【2】借助媒介 正音操练1. 热身活动:listen to a song “Dedication of Love2. 借助图片熟读动词短语并完成1a.。2.听1b并跟读。 【3】合作探究 展示提升1小组讨论。How t

4、o offer help to others in English?小组讨论怎样用动词短语回答。2小组活动编对话3.听力:2a, 2b。4.小组合作做2c。5.分角色表演2d, 小组讨论解决疑难问题。【4】达标检测 盘点收获1、 从方框里选择合适的短语完成句子。cheer up , put up , call up , give up , clean up1.My bedroom is dirty and mess. Id like to_ it _ this Sunday.2.If we see the thief in the street, we should_ the police.3

5、.We could_some traffic signs on the wall.4.I dont know how to_my friend when she is sad.5.Jimmy has to_playing soccer because of his injured leg.二、把下列句子补充完整。1.他数学考试不及格,看起来很悲伤。我们来让他高兴起来。 He failed in the math test and looks sad. Lets_ him _.2. 我们需要想出一些办法解决这个问题。 We need_ _ _ _some ideas to solve this

6、problems.3. 哪个女孩可以自愿在一所村小教孩子们英语。 The girl could_in a village school_ _kids English.我们正在计划去老人之家帮他们打扫房子。 Were_ _ _ to help_ _their house in the peoples home.5. 我爷爷给我们讲有关过去的故事和过去的情形是怎么样的。 My grandfather told me stories about the past and how things _ _ _.三选择填空。 ( )1.Jack met lots of difficulties, but h

7、e never _ hope.A.cheered up B.gave up C.put up D.cleaned up ( ) 2.Now many college students_advertisement to make money for their study.A. help out B.give out C.give up D.work out ( ) 3.His bedroom is so dirty, he needs_.A.clean it up B.to clean it up C.clean up it D.to clean up it ( ) 4.You should visit the sick kids to _A.cheer him up B.put them up C.cheer them up D.call up them ( ) 5.We could make a plan_the kids in poor area.A.help B.helped C.helping D.to help学习反思3



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