湖北孝感孝南区两校八级英语月考人教新目标 1.doc

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1、湖北省孝感市孝南区两校2017-2018学年八年级英语上学期12月月考试题 第一部分:选择题(85分)听力部分一、听力理解(大题共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分)第一节:听下面5段小对话,根据你所听到的对话,从每小题所给A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。每段对话读一遍。1.What did the boy do yesterday? A.He went to the mountains. B.He went to the beach. C.He stayed at home. 2.How is Julie going to become a computer programmer ?A.

2、She is going to study in a university. B.She is going to study computer science hard. C.She is going to study math harder.3.How was the food in Qingdao? A.Delicious but expensiveB.Delicious and cheap C.Terrible and cheap 4.How is the weather? A.Rainy and cold B. Snowy and cold C. Sunny and hot5.What

3、 does the girl want to be?A. A singer. B. A teacher. C. An actor.第二节:听下面6段对话或独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。听第一段材料,回答第6-8小题。6. What lessons does the girl have? A.Dance lessons. B.Piano lessons. C.Dance and piano lessons. 7.What kind of dance is the girl learning?A.Samba. B.Swing dance C.Tap dance.8.How often

4、 does the girl have piano lessons? A.Once a week B.Three times a month C.Three times a week.听第二段材料,回答第9-11小题。9.What is Kens New Years resolution?A. Playing the piano.B. Joining a summer camp.C. Learning a foreign language.10.Who wants to join the camp?A. Ken.B. Kathy.C. Donna.11.Who wants to learn t

5、o play the piano?A. Ken.B. Donna.C. Donna and Kathy.听第三段材料,回答第12-14 小题。12.What does Tony collect?A. Coins. B. Kites. C. Stamps.13.How long has he collected them? A. For ten years. B. For seven years. C. For nine years. 14.Who gave him the first one?A. His father. B. His mother. C. His uncle. 听第四段材料,

6、回答第15-17 小题。15.Which game will be held in their school?A. Basketball match . B. Football match C. Volleyball match16.What time will the match start ?A. At 1:30 . B. At 1:45 . C. At 2:00 .17. Who are they going to play with ?A. With university students. B. With friends . C. With classmates .听第五段材料,回答

7、18-20小题18.What are Jack and Linda talking about? A.The weather B. The summer vacation C. The exam 19.Where did Jack go? A.To Hainan B. To Dalian C. To Shanghai20.When did Jack come back? A.Last Sunday B. Last Saturday C. Last Friday听第六段材料,回答21-25小题21.How long has Ling lings mother been away(离开) ? A.

8、7 days. B.10 days. C.11 days. 22.What does Lingling do every evening? A.She plays the piano. B.She does her homework. C.She draws pictures. 23.Whats the weather like in Ling lings city? A.cool. B.warm. C.hot 24. Where did Lingling and his father go last Sunday? A.To the park. B.To the zoo. C.To the

9、museum. 25.Where is Linglings mother now? A.In China. B.In Canada. C.In America.笔试部分二、单项选择题(15分)26.- Class, is _ here today? - No, Jim isnt here. He is in hospital. A.someone B.anyone C.everyone D.no one27. The clouds are in different _. Some are like sheep and some are like horses.A. shapes B. size

10、s C. colors D. names28. I dont know your phone number. Can you _ here?A. write down it B. write it down C. write them down D. write down them 29.- What do you plan to do next Monday?-We _ the car. We _ it once a week.A. wash; wash B. will wash; will wash C. wash; are going to wash D. are going to wa

11、sh; wash30.There _ a basketball match in our school this afternoon.A.will have B.is going to have C.will be D.are going to be31.High technology is used in EURO2016 to _ the games are fair enough in France. A.make up B.make sure C.come out D.come on32.Mr.Yang bought an expensive car last week.Really?

12、 He must be very _.A.shy B.talented C.friendly D.rich33.When she arrived at the airport, Yang Mi found that_fans were waiting for her there.A.hundred B.hundreds C.three hundred of D.hundreds of34.- _ will you take a holiday in HongKong? - In two weeks.A. How long B.How often C. How much D. How soon

13、35.Did you play a part in _ the classroom yesterday?Yes, I did.A. clean B.cleans C. cleaning D.to clean 36._ we can make robots move like people, it will be difficult _ them really think like a human. A.Although; making B. Although; to make C.So; make D. So; to make 37.-We should sing a song _ the b

14、eginning of the party.-I agree_ you.A. in; at B.at; from C. in; on D.at; with 38.In the future, people will have_ jobs because _ robots will do the same jobs as people.A. less; more B.fewer; more C.less; fewer D.fewer; less 39.How can I speak English _ you?Youd better speak more, I think. A. as good as B. more than C.


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