八级英语下册 Unit6Why don’t you learn to sing English songs文字素材1 人教新目标.doc

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1、Unit6Why dont you learn to sing English songs词组1.get sth. For sb.为某人买某物2.make a special meal做一顿特别的饭菜3.a pot-bellied pig named Connie一头名叫康妮的大肚子猪4.life with a pig和猪在一起的生活5.eat a lot吃很多6.make her a special pig house为她做一个特别的猪窝7.enough time足够的时间8.special enough够特别9.different kinds of gifts不同种类的礼物10. a le

2、af from a tree一片树上的叶子11.be given away被赠送12.rather than而不是13.be opened被打开14.someone else其他人15.the host for the 2008 Olympics2008年奥运会的主办方16.improve their English提高他们的英语水平17.in different ways通过不同的方法18. singers from across China来自全国各地的歌手19.on stage在舞台上20.all over China来自全国各地21.all age groups各年龄段22.the w

3、inner of的获胜者23.make progress取得进步序号词组汉译24.have fun with English快乐学英语25.hear of听说26.take an interest in=be interested in对感兴趣27. make friends with a native speaker跟说本族语的人交朋友28.advantages and disadvantages of keeping such a pet养这样的宠物的利弊29.Why dont you get her a scarf?为什么不送她条围巾?30.suggestions and comment

4、s建议和评论31.receive a letter from收到某人的来信32.cost me five dollars花了我五美元33.fall asleep睡着34.choose subjects选择学科35.instead of代替,而不是36.enter a contest报名参加比赛37.nearly all the singers几乎所有的歌手38.sing clearly唱歌明朗清晰39. the winner of the womens competition女子比赛的获胜者40.encourage sb. to do sth鼓励某人做某事41.spokesperson fro

5、m the Olympic Commitee奥委会的发言人42. suggest doing sth.建议做某事43.besides singing English songs除了唱英文歌以外44.drive a bus开公车45.a 6-year-old child六岁的孩子46.easy to take care of容易照顾47.the trendiest kind of pets最时髦的宠物48.take sb. Out to dinner带某人出去吃饭序号词组汉译49.Whats the best gift you have ever received?你曾经收到的最好的礼物是什么?

6、50.Thats too expensive,太贵了。51.Pot-bellied pigs make the best pets.大肚子猪足以成为最棒的宠物。52.Shes too big to sleep in the house.她个头太大了,睡不下那个房子53.They will pay for a park bench or a tree to help remember a person.他们会花钱买下公园的长凳或者树,以此帮助记住一个人54.Some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buy them gifts.有一些人让他们的家人和朋友捐钱给慈善机构而不是买礼物送给他们。



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