山东文登七里汤中学八级英语上册 Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music教学案 人教新目标.doc

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1、U7 Would you mind turning down the music (第一课时) 一、教学目标 1.学会如何有礼貌的向他人提出请求。2.学会怎样表达才能让他人接受自己的请求。二、教学重、难点Would you mind (not) doing sth?你介意(不)干吗?三、掌握单词1.介意 _ 2.院子 _ 3.盘、碟 _ 4.任务、工作、作业 _ 5.海报 _6.立刻、马上 _ 7.一点也不 _ 8.调小 四、单词拼写1.I like pork very much, but I dont bike beef at a .2.After dinner, you should he

2、lp your mother wash the d 3.Father said,“If you finish these t ,we can go to a movie tonight”4. There will be a football match between class 3 and class 4 tomorrow, Could you make some p ?五、重点知识点1.你介意把音乐的声音调小一点吗?不,一点也不。2.Nick,不穿这些旧牛仔你介意吗?他们看上去很糟糕/难看.好的,我将穿上另一条。3.把你的房间打扫干净好吗?不好意思我将立刻去做。4.别在这打篮球你介意吗?对

3、不起我们将去公园里玩。5.你介意把你的轿车挪一下吗?不,一点也不。:从浴室出来/一会之后/调小/调大电视/洗盘子/起床/临时照看你的小表弟/制作海报6.你的父亲在开会7.如果你完成了这些任务/工作,今晚我们就能去看电影。8.你能帮我做作业吗? 9.你能办一些海报吗?当然可以,没问题。六、课堂小测: 一用所给词或词组的正确形式填空right away turn down all the time at the meeting mind in the future turn up1._the radio. The babys sleeping. 2.Would you_ opening the d

4、oor?3. I cant hear the TV clearly. Can you_ it_?4. Ill send it to you_. 5. What are you going to do_?6. What did you say_? 7. He is talking in class_?二用正确形式填空1Would you mind _(open) the door? 3.Would you mind my_(sweep) the floor?2. Would you mind _(not close) the window?4. Would you like _(go) to a

5、 movie with me ?5. Could you please _(feed) the dog? 6.Do I have to _(wash) the dishes?三汉译英1.你介意把音乐的声音调小一点吗? 2.不要插队你介意吗?3你介意把它们捡起来吗? 4.你介意不穿这些旧牛仔裤吗?Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?(第二课时) 重点难点: Would you mind (not) doing sth? Could you please (not) do sth?预习导航:任务一 单词A.识记下列单词女服务员_ 解答_ 使恼怒

6、_ 恼怒的_有礼貌的_ 无礼的_ 或许,大概_归还,返回_B.单词拼写1. Its i_ to argue with your parents.2. The news _(使生气) everyone.3. Tom was a_ because Mary didnt return his book.4. Students _(带来) some snacks to the classroom yesterday.5. They _(买) many toys last week.任务二 阅读理解快速阅读文章,完成下列句子。 In the shop1. When a shop assistant ha

7、s a long telephone conversation, I usually say _, because I dont like _.2. When shop assistants follow me around, I say _. If they get mad, I _. In the library3. If someone talks to me while Im reading, I _. I usually talk to the person because _. So people dont know _. Perhaps in the future I shoul

8、d _.任务三 语言知识点 试着自己翻译吧1. 女服务员给你拿错了食物。 2. (你买的)钢笔不好用。3. 点有的汉堡4. -这件衬衫太小了。你介意给我拿件小点的吗?-一点也不。给你!5. 我不喜欢排队等候。 6.请你不要总跟着我好吗?7.生气(2) 8.返回到那家商店9.这种事情总是会在图书馆发生。 10.我想要有礼貌。11. 做同样的事情 12.可能在将来我应该努力不那么有礼貌。13. -什么让你生气? -当同学借我的橡皮并且不还给我时我会生气。14. 我可能要晚点。你能让汽车司机等五分钟吗?15. 我不知道去体育俱乐部的路。 16.半小时前我点菜了。17.欢迎到我们小区 18.在新房子里

9、你肯定很兴奋.Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music? SectionA 导学案一 大声拼读这些单词 1 介意 11 使生气 2 院子 12 生气的 3 盘 13礼貌的 4 任务 14不礼貌的 5 海报 15归还 6 服务生 16声音,嗓音 7 带来原型过去式 17术语 8 衣服 18亚洲的 9 解答 19欧洲 10排 20不舒服的二 掌握句型你介意做某事吗? Would you mind doing?你介意别做某事吗? Would you mind not doing ?请你做某事好吗? Could you please do ? Would

10、you please do ?Will you please do ?三 .知识梳理1,Would you mind ? 1,Would you mind (not) doing ?Could you please? Could you please do ?2,从出来 2,get out of3,一会后 3,in a minute4,穿上、脱下 4,put on / take off5,打棒球/弹钢琴 5,play baseball / play the piano6,把还给 6, return to 7,没问题 7,no problem8,帮助某人做某事 8,help sb. do /to

11、 do /with sth四 选择正确答案 1 Would you mind not wearing the old jeans? They look _ . A beautiful B terrible C nice D pretty2 Im trying to sleep ,Could you please _ the music? A listen B turn on C turn down D turn up3 Would you please _ the windows ?A open B opening C openning D to open4 _ do you go out t

12、o eat for dinner? Twice a month. A How long B How many C How D How often5 Would you _ closing the door ?Its cold.A mind B think C want D like 五 翻译下列句子1.你介意把音乐的声音调小吗?对不起,我马上调小。2.请你把这本书还给图书馆好吗?3.你介意等一会吗?不,一点不介意。4.请你别问我这个问题好吗?5.插队是不礼貌的。6.你必须按时完成你的作业。7.你能帮我学英语吗?没问题 8.你介意穿另一条牛仔裤吗?5Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music? 一、单项选择( )1. Would you mind opening the window? _.A. Thank you B. Yes ,please


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