四川眉山九级英语全册Unit2Ithinkthatmooncakesaredelicious测新人教新目标 1.doc

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1、Unit 2 I think that moon-cakes are delicious! 练习题Name_ Grade_第一节 单项选择: 从每小题所给的A、 B、 C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1. Peter, please give my best wishes _ your family. A. for B. at C. to D. from( )2. I wonder_Jane will sing an English song at the party. A. if B. that C. which D. where( )3. Jeff has two pe

2、n pals. One is from Australia and _ is from Canada. A. others B. another C. the others D. the other( )4. We dont know her. She is a _ to us. A. relative B. stranger C. sister D. classmate ( )5. The villagers found a _ dog in the house. Perhaps it died two days ago. A. dead B. sick C. young D. strong

3、( )6. Sams parents used to _ him by not letting him watch TV. A. forget B. lay C. punish D. admire( )7. Some students in Class Two think the museum is fun _. A. visiting B. visit C. to visiting D. to visit( )8. Lindas father was_happy_he bought a new bike for her. A. such; that B. too; to C. so; tha

4、t D. enough; to( )9. There are many ways _ the festival. Which one do you like? A. celebrate B. to celebrate C. celebrating D. to celebrating ( )10. _ clean the classroom is! Who cleaned it? A. How a B. What a C. What D. How( )11. _ is a good idea to dress up as a black cat on Halloween. A. This B.

5、That C. It D. One( )12. _do you like best about the Mid-Autumn Festival? I enjoy the delicious moon-cakes. A. What B. Why C. When D. How( )13. Rick has_five pounds because of eating too much during the Spring Festival. A. laid out B. turned on C. cut out D. put on( )14. The doctor warned us_more fru

6、it and vegetables instead of meat. A. to eating B. to eat C. eat D. eating( )15. Were going to have a party for mothers on Mothers Day. _. May I join you?A. No problem B. Have a good trip C. Sounds like fun D. Sorry to hear that第二节 完形填空: 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人相应空白处的最佳答案。 We are

7、living a fast life.It seems that everything has to be fast, for example, 16 food, fast Internet, fast roads, fast money. Every day we try to get things done 17 ,but there are some moments that we have to slow down and enjoy 18 lives. We are always 19 every day.I have to work eight hours 20 more a da

8、y at my fulltime job.When I get home, its always over seven oclock. I make an effort to 21 something. I try 22 a bit of time for my hobbywriting.I hardly ever write and work 23 weekends.Those are my days to try to recharge (休整) and reduce the stress from my work.I sleep on the sofa during the day, 2

9、4 some beer in the open air or go out for a picnic if the weather is nice. What Im trying to say is this: if you dont take some time to slow down once in a while and 25 your life, it will pass you by.You can be 26 both in body and mind if you dont take the time to relax.So this weekend, dont make an

10、y 27 .Just get up on Saturday morning 28 your body says its time to get up.Make some coffee, step outside and get 29 fresh morning air, turn on the radio and prepare 30 for nothing.( ) 16.A.good B.fast C.slow D.cold ( ) 17.A.specially B.seriously C.directly D.quickly ( ) 18.A. us B. ours C. our D. t

11、heir ( ) 19.A.busy B.happy C.free D.sad ( ) 20.A. and B. but C. or D. nor( ) 21.A.drink B.buy C.write D.say ( ) 22.A. to find B. find C. finding D.found( ) 23.A.with B.except C.in D.on ( ) 24.A.eat B.drink C.take D.get ( ) 25.A.spend B.share C.enjoy D.relax ( ) 26.A. healthy B. unhealthy C. health D

12、. unhealth( ) 27.A.plans B.mistakes C.noises D.sentences ( ) 28.A.but B.when C.what D.so ( ) 29.A.any B.many C.no D.some( )30.A. yourself B. ourselves C.your D. himself第三节 短文理解:根据短文内容,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 A Dear mum and dad, Im writing this letter to you from the center of Australia. At the moment were staying near Uluruthats the aboriginal(土著) name for Ayers Rock. On the first day, we took a balloon tour over the rock, and I was surprised at how big it was:3.6 kilometers long and 384 meters high. The colors of the rock a



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