江苏灌南实验中学中考英语复习练习七上Units78练习 1.doc

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1、Units7-8一、词汇.1. Shanghai and Shenzhen are both m cities.2. This pair of shoes is f for the trip.3. Amy is wearing a pair of green (棉布)gloves.4. Mum s new boots are made of l .5.May I borrow your camera? Of (当然).6. This T-shirt m my blue jeans very well.7. This basketball is very (昂贵的).8. My cousin h

2、as (足够的)time to watch TV every day.9. We can go to a (超市)to buy some food for the birthday party.二、完成句子.1.我喜欢运动鞋因为它们轻便舒适。 I like trainers because they are and .2.这件白衬衣是棉的。 This white shirt cotton.3.桑迪非常喜欢这双黑皮靴。 Sandy likes this pair of very much.4.这个购物中心是会见朋友和娱乐的好去处。 The mall is a good place _ _ _ a

3、nd _ _.5.今天的演出到此结束。 _ _ _ todays show. 6. I can spend _ _ _in bed then.( 另外十分钟 ) 三、单项选择( )1. I dont know what next. A. do B. to do C. does D. doing( )2. My grandfather is ill bed. A. in B. onC. atD. with( )3. I you with us tomorrow. A. will hope; to goB. hope; to go C. will hope; can go D. hope; can

4、 go( )4.What your trousers made ? Cotton. A. is;of B. are;of C. is;from D. are;from( )5. All the students look smart the school uniform. A. on B. at C. in D. for( )6. does this dress cost? A. How muchB. WhatC. How manyD. Which( )7. Dad, my trousers are old. I want to buy a new . A. trousersB. oneC.

5、itD. pair( )8. Are you free today? I want you to go shopping with me. A. Have a good time! B. OK! Lets go. C. You go there. D. I will not go with you.( )9. What do you think you can buy your grandpa? A. toB. asC. ofD. for( )10. My cousin usually all day in watching TV at home on Sunday. A. costB. co

6、stsC. spendD. spends( )11. Its easy for my grandfather a model plane. A. makingB. to makeC. makeD. makes( )12. There some bread, a glass of orange and some eggs in the fridge. A. beB. isC. areD. has( )13. You can of books in the library. A. look different kindB. look different kinds C. read differen

7、t kindD. read different kinds( )14. This dress is . Can I ? A. enough cheap; try on itB. cheap enough; try on it C. enough cheap; try it on D. cheap enough; try it on ( )15. This wallet is too expensive. Can I see one? A. anotherB. otherC. the other D. Each4、 选词填空. interest, think of, carry, wear, d

8、ifferent kinds of , try.on , fit for, make1.I need you _ all the bags.2.He is not _ in music.3.There are _ hair clips in our shop.4.The jeans _ of cotton and are very comfortable. 5.What do you _ _ my dress? 6.They are talking about what _ for the party. 7.I like this pair of shoes. Can I _?8.This pair of trainers _ the long walk.2



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