江苏灌南实验中学九级英语上册Unit7Films基础知识练习新牛津 1.doc

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1、Unit 7一、根据句意及中文提示写出单词1She was very unhappy to fail the _ (最终的) exam.2Gigi _ (标志) the beginning of Hepburns successful career.3Avatar is the _ (空前的) highest-grossing(最高票房收入的) film in the world.4Marlon Brando won eight Oscar nominations in his _ (一生).5Mr Smith is a good _ (讲故事的人) and his stories are a

2、ll attractive.6Last night, my grandpa passed away _ (宁静地) in his sleep.7Wuxis _ (工业) has developed greatly in the last few years.8My father _ (坚持) that I should go to the best school to study.9I think Fan Bingbing is one of the most popular _ (演员). I am her fan.10Audrey Hepburn had put her _ (努力) in

3、to ballet training before she entered the film industry.11Our school has a big car _ (停车场). Many teachers place their cars there.12Im of medium height, so I sit in _ (排)Three in my classroom.13 (两者都不) of my parents is a film star. Theyre just normal people.14The talk on history has been _ (取消) this

4、Saturday.15She has never made so many _ (错误) in answering such easy questions.16He had been a _ (特技替身演员) before he was an actor.17He acted so well that many people _ (误以为) him for a real doctor.18Now we must _ (考虑) what we should do next:19Audreys_ (成就) went beyond the film industry.20. If someone g

5、ets an Oscar_(提名奖),he or she has the chance to win an Oscar.21. Did you remember Hepburns last _(露面)on the screen?22. It was _(惊奇的) that he got a mark of 100.23. I have many friends, _ (包括) Mary.24. The film _ (以为基础) on the novel Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is very wonderful. 25. The rice

6、 was _ (误以为) for the wheat just now. 二、根据中文完成下列句子1赫本一生中帮助过世界各地的许多贫困孩子。Hepburn during her lifetime.2她在这部电影里扮演了一个公主的角色。She in this film.3那个小男孩坚持要买一辆玩具火车。The little boy .4梁朝伟的第一部电影吸引了成千上万人的注意。 Tony Leungs first movie _ .5现在中国在世界的政治、经济舞台上正扮演着一个越来越重要的角色。Now China on the worlds political and economic stag

7、e.6这个演出将会被现场直播,因此所有的演员正倾注所有努力练习。 The show_,so all the actors are_practising.7我爸爸今天很早起床以便能赶上早班车。Today my father got up very early .8“听着,孩子!作为一名学生,你应该远离网吧,而不是熬夜在里面玩电脑游戏。”“对不起,史密斯夫人。我会记住的。”Listen, boy! As a student, you should stay away from the Internet bar to play computer games in it.Sorry, Mrs Smit

8、h. Ill keep it in mind.9这本书适合各个年龄段的人看。This book all ages to read.10我成为一名演员的梦想将会实现。 will come true.11来自十堰的男孩华晨宇歌声如此优美,以至于粉丝众多。Hua Chenyu, a boy from Shiyan, sings he has many fans now.12恐怖片太可怕,而且实际上它们是相当愚蠢的。Horror films are terrible, and , .13三年前我哥哥大学毕业。My brother .14你最好早点出门,以便避开交通高峰期。Youd better lea

9、ve early you can .15那个工人工作如此努力以至于她去年一天假都没休。The worker worked so hard that ,16他不但已经帮助了中国人,而且也帮助了全世界30多个国家的人。He has helped people .17. 海伦是如此优秀的一个女孩以至她上周被选为新的学生会主席。 Helen was_girl that she_the new chairperson of the Students Union last week.18. 对于那位懒惰的男生来说,在英语学习上超越我是不可能的。Its_the lazy boy _me in English

10、. 19. 虽然她忙于她的功课, 但她坚持每天练习跳舞一小时。 Although she_,she_for a hour every day.20. 在那部电影中扮演主角标志着她成功职业生涯的开始。_in the film marked_her successful career.21. 你看见她正在过马路,手里还拿了本书吗? Did you see _ with _?22. 你可能会发现他执导的这部电影值得一看。You may find this film _ him is _. 23. 他们别无选择,只能让这个女孩担当主演。 They _.24. 她如此可爱,以致于这两个男生都已爱上了她。

11、 She is _.五、选词填空(20)go beyond, mark the beginning of, catch our attention, pass away peacefully, fall in love with, make ones final appearance, insist on, choose, attract, take place 1.They each other when they first met. 2.She my going there with him. 3.Though I like the house very much, its price_my ability to pay. 4.The famous actress on the stage last year. 5.The present_


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