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1、Lesson42学习目标1、识记并运用单词:snowmansnowballthrowgrowplantmeltsurely worried2、理解并运用短语:be worriedmake snowmanwait for 3、掌握并运用句型:When do you like to go to the beach?When does the some melt and new plants begin to grow?What do you like to do in winter?【预习检测】一、据句子意思及汉语,写出空缺单词的正确形式1. In winter, children like ma

2、king_(雪人) and _(扔) snowballs.2. I meet an old friend of _(我的).3. Meimeis family lives on the_(第九)floor(层)4. We have a lot of_(趣事)in winter.5. What _(别的)do you want to say at the meeting?答案:1. snowmen; throwing 2. mine 3. ninth 4. funny things 5. elseII根据课文内容, 完成句子。1.我不知道怎样写这份报告。 I dont know _ _ _thi

3、s report.2.我不知道任何关于季节的事情。 I _ _ _ about the seasons.3.什么时候雪开始融化,植物开始生长? _does the snow _ and new plants _ _ _?4.冬天你喜欢干什么? What _ you like _ _in winter?5.我喜欢扔雪球。 I _ _ _ snowballs.答案:1. how to write 2. dont know anything 3. When; melt; begin to grow 4. do; to do5. like to throw【知识点】1. Some students g

4、o skiing, but Jenny and Li Ming play in the snow.一些学生要去滑雪,但珍妮和李明在雪地里玩。go skiing去滑雪,类似的短语有:go swimming去游泳,go fishing去钓鱼,go boating去划船,go skating去滑冰in the snow在雪地里2. Then we make another snowball, and put it on top of the first one.然后我们再做一个雪球,并将它放在第一个雪球上面。make a snowball做雪球,类似的有:make a snowman堆雪人,make

5、 a guess猜想,make a change改变,make an excuse找借口,make faces做鬼脸,make dumplings包饺子3. I have some little rocks for his mouth and eyes.我用一些小石子来做他的嘴巴和眼睛。1)little意为“小的”。例如:I have a little dog.我有一只小狗。2)little还可以表示“很少”,表示否定,几乎没有;a little意为“少,一些”,表示肯定的。例如:There is little water in the bottle.瓶子里几乎没有水了。There is a

6、little water in the bottle.瓶子里有一些水。3)for在此表示“为,作为”。4. Dont throw snowballs at me, Danny!丹尼,不要向我扔雪球!本句是一个否定的祈使句,表示命令、指使别人。throw at sb表示“扔向某人”,throw away表示“扔掉”,throw about表示“乱丢”。【当堂检测】一、单项选择1. Lets _ a face on the snowman.A. put B. take C. make D. do2. I have some little rocks _ his mouth and eyes.A.

7、for B. from C. on D. in3. What else do you _ in winter in China?A. do B. to do C. does D. doing4. This one is _ than the first.A. small B. smaller C. too small D. too big5. We make a big ball _ snow.A. at B. in C. of D. on答案:15 CAABC二、根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。1.Jenny and Li Ming go o_ to play in the snow.2.L

8、ets make a s_ in the snow. Its very funny.3.What do you do in w_? I can skate on the ice.4.I have two sticks f_ his arms.5.Dont t_ snowballs at me.答案:1.outside 2.snowman 3.winter 4.for 5.throw【课后提升】一、连词成句。1. know, play, to, dont, how, cards_.2. to, season, I, that,wear, like, in, shorts_.3. snow, wh

9、en, the, does, melt_?4 .worried, because, he, cant, looks, hotel, find,the, he_.5. us, to, let,get,work_.答案:1. I dont know how to play cards2. I like to wear shorts in that season3. When does the snow melt4. He looks worried because he cant find the hotel5. Let us get to work二、阅读理解In England, it oft

10、en snows in winter. When it snows,our garden looks very beautiful under the snow, and it is very nice to play in snow. When I got up this morning, the land was all white with snow. There was too much snow. It wasSunday, so we didnt go to school. After breakfast, some of my friends came over, and we

11、made a bigsnowman. It had a big mouth and two ears. Its eyes were black and its nose was red. Someone put anold hat on its head. We were very happy. After lunch, we went to the park to make snowballs.In the park, we met quite a few boys from our school and we had a fight with the snowballs. I took a

12、 photo of our snowman. I like snow very much.1. Its _ in winter in England.A. warm B. cold C. hotD. warm and humid2. The land was _ when I got up this morning.A. yellow B. green C. white D. blue3. We made a snowman _.A. in the eveningB. in the afternoonC. at noonD. in the morning4. We made the snowmans nose _.A. redB. blackC. whiteD. round5. Where did we have a fight with the snowballs?A. In the garden.B. In the park.C. At home.D. At school.答案:15 BCDAB课后学习1.复习并牢记本单元单词、短语和句型,熟读对话。2.熟练背诵对话,力争做到脱口而出。3.认真预习Lesson43。3


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