山东广饶丁庄中心初级中学八级英语上册Unit2Howoftendoyourcise学案5新人教新目标 1.doc

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1、Unit 2 How often do you exercise教师寄语Slow and steady wins the race. 稳扎稳打无往而不胜学习目标1.知识与能力目标复习掌握本单元的单词及 短语,句型: 2情感态度价值观目标:学会从文章中找到有用的信息。教学重点1. 学习运用重点句型How often do you do?及I sometimes / often /usually do2. 辨析:always; usually; often; sometimes; hardly ever; never3. 学会运用句型 What do you do ? 及回答。教学难点1. 学习运

2、用重点句型How often do you do?及I sometimes / often /usually do2. 辨析:always; usually; often; sometimes; hardly ever; never3. 学会运用句型 What do you do ? 及回答。教学方法自主预习、任务型教学、合作学习教 学 过 程一、自学指导: 1. 阅读3a,将短文中的空填上。2. 再阅读一遍3a 找出下列短语并在短文中划出来。然后写出这些短语的汉语。(1)a 16-year-old high school student (2)askabout (3)have a lot o

3、f good habits _ (4)stay up late (5)more than (6) help with _(7)go to the dentist _ (8) be afraid _二、精讲点拨1. 根据3a 回答下列问题How old is Jane ?_Where is Jane from?_ Which magazine asked her about her habits? _Does she have a lot of good habits? _What does she always do? _ Are her parents happy? Why or Why n

4、ot? _Does she go to the dentist for teeth cleaning? Why or Why not_ _三合作学习 朗读2b部分内容完成2c 再次阅读2b部分内容,完成 图表内容 完成2d-2e 总结调查报告的写法。.4、 问题探究1.大多数学生一个月锻炼一到两次。_students_or_a_.2.你多久去看一次你的外婆?_you_yourgrandma?3.你的哥哥会上网吗?不会。他从不玩电脑。_yourbrother_?No,he_it.4.因为他有一个健康的生活方式,所以他几乎不生病。Heis_ill_he_a_.5.尽管垃圾食品不利于健康,但是很多孩

5、子还是很喜欢它。Manychildren_junkfoodverymuch_isnot_.五、能力提升1.Howoftendoyous theInternet?Threetimesaweek.2.IwatchTVeveryday.AnimalWorldismyfavoritep .3.Drinkingmilkisgoodforyourh .4.Bettyisalazygirl.Sheh everdoeshousework.5.Studentsmusthavegoodstudyingh .6.In eatapplesbecauseIdontlikethematall.7.Tomplaystheg

6、uitaro aweek.8.Therearefived betweenthetwopictures.9.Somepeopledonthaveagoodh .10.Hedidntgetgoodgradesa heworkedhard.六、课堂训练1.Theoldman_(锻炼)everymorning.2.Ioften_(购物).onweekends.3.Wemust_(保持)ourclassroomclean.4.Therearesome_(不同)betweenthetwopictures.5.He_(几乎不)goestorestaurantfordinner.6.Katrinadoesnt

7、often_(喝)coffee, shelikesgreentea.7.Myeating_(习惯)arenotverygood.8.Everyonemust_(设法)toworkhard.9.OutlookismyfavoriteEnglish_10.Junkfoodisntgoodforour_七、课外作业( )13. Please try to have more fruit, _ youd like to keep in good health. A. and B. so C. if D. as for( )14. Is her lifestyle _ yours? A. the same B. the same as C. same as D. the same to ( )15、If you want to be healthier, you must eat _ junk food, I think. A. more B. less C. fewer D man教 学 反 思2



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