广西平南七级英语期中 人教新目标.doc

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1、广西平南县2015-2016学年七年级英语上学期期中试题2015年秋季期七年级英语科段考试题参考答案一、1-4 BADC 5-10 ABCBAC 11-15 CBCBA 16-20 BCABC 21-25 CBCBA二、26-30 CBDCA 31-35 BCADB 36-40 CADBD三、41-45 CABDB 46-50 ACADB四、51-55 CADBC 56-60 DDBAC 61-65 ACBCD五、略六、66. fine 67. red 68. meet69. aunt 70. under 71. Excuse 72. China73. seven74. head 75. cl

2、ock七、76. girls 77. these 78. white 79. it 80. number 八、81. Are you 82. Those are 83. is hers 84. they are 85. Where are九、86. yellow 87. Peters 88. Four 89. purple 90. dictionary 十、Lost:I lost my schoolbag. Six books, a pencil box, two keys and my ID card are in it. I must find it. My telephone numbe

3、r is 782-2468. You can call me at 782-2468. You can also e-mail me at L. Thanks! Li Hua听力材料(一)1. The jacket is mine. 2. The telephone is yellow.3. This is a photo of my family. 4. My clock is on the table. (二)5. Nice to meet you.6. Whats her phone number?7. What color is it? 8. Excuse me, is that yo

4、ur book? 9. Thank you for your help. 10. Where are their keys? (三)11. M: Whats this?W: Its a photo of my sister.Q: Whats this?12. M: Is she your aunt? W: No, she isnt. She is my mother. Q: Is she the girls aunt? 13. M: My name is Jack. Whats your name? W: Im Jenny. Q: Whats the boys name? 14. M: Mom

5、, where is my hat? W: I think its in your room. Q: Where is the boys hat? 15. M: Is that her schoolbag? W: Yes, it is.Q: Is that her schoolbag? 16-17 M: Hello! Im Frank. W: Hi, Frank! Im Helen. M: Whats your last name? W: My last name is Brown. 18-20M: Look! A dictionary is under the chair. Is it yo

6、ur dictionary, Jenny? W: No, it isnt.M: Oh, an ID card is in it.W: Whats the name on the card? M: Kim Smith. And the number is 43098275.W: Oh. She is my friend Jane. (四) This is my classroom. You can see my pen, watch, notebook and ruler. My pen is black. Its under my chair. The watch is yellow. Its on my desk. The notebook is blue. Its on my chair. The ruler is in my pencil box. 10


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