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1、人际交往人际交往包括个人感受和人际关系。其中,释放压力、保持健康心理、适应集体生活、珍视友谊等是此类话题作文的常见切入点,题目的命制通常与学生生活实际相关,以寻求建议、表达鼓励、征文、话题讨论等形式出现。【提分好词】问题1.be nervous about.对感到紧张 2.feel lonely感到孤独3.too shy to talk to.太腼腆而不敢和说话 4.be proud of为感到骄傲5.be afraid of 害怕 6.be strict with sb.对某人严格要求7.be unhappy with.对感到不开心 8.be worried about.对感到担心9.be

2、angry with/be mad at.对生气 10.fail the exam考试不及格11.copy ones homework抄作业 12.get into trouble有麻烦建议1.be friendly/nice/kind to 对友好 2.be patient with对有耐心3.be willing to do sth.乐意做某事 4.be confident of sth. 对某事有信心 5.make friends with 和交朋友 6.stay in touch with和保持联系7.smile at对微笑 8.be honest with对诚实9.get along

3、 well with和相处融洽 10.get into the habit of养成的习惯municate with和交流 12.good state of mind良好的心态13.listen to some soft music听一些轻音乐 14.take a hot bath洗个热水澡15.take a walk with sb.和某人散步【提分好句】问题1.I dont know how to make friends, even though everyone in my class is kind to me.我不知道如何交朋友,尽管我们班的所有人都对我很友善。2.It makes

4、 me nervous to speak in public.在公共场合讲话使我很紧张。3.What he did makes me very angry.他所做的事情令我很生气。4.Sometimes, we cant express ourselves in a correct way.有时候,我们不能正确地表达自己。5.My parents think good marks are everything and I should spend more time on my lessons, even at weekends.我的父母认为好成绩是一切,我应该多花点时间在学习上,甚至连周末也

5、不放过。6.I feel lonely because my parents are too busy to be with me.我感到很孤独,因为我的父母太忙了,不能和我在一起。如何做1.You should understand and respect them.你应该理解并尊重他们。2.Listening to some soft music is helpful for us to be relaxed.听一些轻音乐能帮助我们放松。3.At weekends, instead of locking yourself at home, take part in school activ

6、ities and communicate with others.在周末,不要把自己锁在家里,去参加学校活动并和他人交流。4.Express your thanks to the people who helped you.向帮助过你的人表达感谢。5.Youll become more confident if you have the courage to show your abilities.如果你有展示自己能力的勇气,你就会更加自信。6.A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。7.Never miss a chance to learn f

7、rom others.永远不要错过向他人学习的机会。Teens Feelings是一个国际青少年网站,以下内容取自其贴吧。假设你是李华,请你用英语回帖,给Eric提出23条建议。要求:1.不要出现考生本人信息;2.80词左右。Teens FeelingsMy problem is that Im shy, and I feel nervous when I answer the teachers questions in class. I always hate to talk in front of a big group of people. I prefer to stay at hom

8、e rather than go out and have fun. Everybody laughs at me. What should I do?Eric, EnglandHi,Eric._Li Hua, China【写作指导】1.主题:关于克服腼腆、不自信的建议2.体裁:应用文3.人称:第一人称4.时态:以一般现在时为主【思维模板】【高分佳作】Hi, Eric. Youre not alone, for many people have the same worry. The point is that you should stop worrying about what other

9、s think of you. You can do the following things to change. To begin with, you should try to talk with your classmates or help them when they need. Then try to answer easy questions in class. Youll never feel better unless you take the first step bravely. And its a good idea to go out and have fun doing sports with your friends. If you can do this, you will be more confident.Li Hua, China【得分点拨】开门见山,回应对方的问题,引出下文The point is that.表示关键是,强调重点,点明主题To begin with的使用使上下文过渡自然使用比较级和unless引导的条件状语从句,句式结构复杂多变结尾句简洁明了,承接上文,呼应主题5



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