江苏扬中外国语中学九级英语上册9A Unit 5 FilmsGrammar 2教学案 牛津.doc

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1、9A Unit 5 FilmsGrammar 2教学案【教学目标】1. Use should, ought to, had better, have to and must to give advice2. To learn to use why not, why dont you and perhaps to give advice.【教学重点、难点】Use should, ought to, had better, have to and must to give advice【教学过程】自主预习:选择合适的单词并用其适当形式填空。 France , close,he, peace, ac

2、t, finally, close, begin1.The people lived _in that mountain village until the earthquake happened.2. When she was in Paris , she taught herself _.3. She spent the last few years staying _ with the poor children.4. Dr.Wu worked hard. He devoted _ to the cure of cancer. 5. The ceremony marked the _of

3、 the third National Fitness Month.6. My opinion is different from those_.7. On December 3, 1996, Deng Xiaoping made his _ appearance on TV.8. Can I get nearer to have a _ look at the fish in the pool?【要点点击】1、should/ought to/had better / have to/ must表示建议的用法。 (1)should / ought to 两者都可以表示职责和义务;提出“劝告”和

4、“督促”别人去做应该做的事。 eg.我们应该按照父母说的去做。We _do what our parents tell us. People _ _keep our classroom clean every day. should的否定形式是shouldnt, ought to 的否定形式是ought not to( oughtnt to). eg. 你不应该在课上和你同学讲话。You _talk to your classmates in class.人们不应该乱扔垃圾。 People _ _ _ drop litter carelessly. (2)must/have to表示“必须”,

5、在语气上比“应该”更强烈。 must表示现在“必须”; 用will/shall have to 表示将来的“必须”,用had to的形式表示过去的“必须”。eg. 他们必须首先完成他们的工作。表现在They _ finish their work first. 表将来They _ _ _ finish their work first. 表过去 They _ _ finish their work first. must/have to表示“必须”时意义相近,但在用法上略有区别:must侧重于表示说话人的主观意志;have to侧重于表示客观需要。eg. 外面雨下得很大,我必须要去。(指外界客

6、观环境要求)Its raining hard. I _go. 我很累,我必须要回家。(自己主观上的要求)Im tired. I _go home. have to 的否定形式为dont have to = neednt, 表示不必要;must 的否定形式为mustnt表示禁止;不允许;一定不要。 (3)had better表示“最好”,用于表示对别人的劝告、建议或表示一种愿望。缩写形式为 d better。had better后面加动词原形,否定形式为had better not do sth.表示“最好不做”。 eg. 你看起来很累,你最好去看医生。You look tired. _ _se

7、e a doctor.2、 “why not”, ”why dont you” 和 “perhaps” 表示建议时的用法。 (1)“why not” 句型常用于说话人向对方提出一个建议,它和“why dont you”句型为同义句,后面都要加动词原形,即why not do sth? 和Why dont you do sth.? eg. 为什么不和你妈妈一起去电影院? _ _ _ go to the cinema with your mother?= _ _ go to the cinema with your mother? (2)“perhaps”表示“可能”,一般放在句首向对方提一个建议

8、。eg. 我想和汤姆一样强。 A:I want to _ _ _ _ Tom. 也许你应当多加锻炼. B: _you should exercise more.【达标检测】一、用should ,ought to ,had better, have to, must填空1.There is little time left. We _hurry up.2.You_ buy tickets before you get on the bus.3.Youre no longer a child. You _ look after yourself now.4.You_not eat snacks w

9、hile watching the film.5.-_I come here again at the same time tomorrow? -No, you neednt.二、选择:( ) 1. You _ tell your parents before you go out. A. had to B. had better C. had better not to D. would like ( ) 2. When I got there, the train _. A. has left B. left C. had left D. have left ( ) 3. The film

10、 _ for 15 minutes before we arrived at the cinema. A. has begun B. has been on C. had begun D. had been on ( ) 4. Can you go swimming with us this afternoon? - Id love to, but I _ take care of my little sister at home because my mother is ill. A. need B. must C. should D. have to ( ) 5. - When did t

11、he murder take place this morning? - I am not sure. Maybe it happened sometime_. A. from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. B. from 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. C. between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. D.between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.( ) 6. - What do you think of the book called Harry Potter? - I like it very much. It is _ interesting _ excitin

12、g. A. neither; nor B. not; but C. not only, but also D. either; or ( )7.Not only you but also your brother _ good at English when both of you went to the middle school. A. is B. are C. were D. was ( )8.Shes famous _cooking_a cook. A.for ;for B.as; as C.for;as D.as;for( )9.The old woman is badly ill .She_to hospital at once. A.must send B.must be sent C.can be sent D.will send( )10.He wanted to know how soon his father_. A.will return B.would returned C.returned D.would return 【课后作业】一、改错二、词汇:1.He spent his _(一生)in this small village.2.She began taking ballet_(课程) at a very young age.


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