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1、九年级英语综合复习模拟卷十七一、 听力(共三节,15小题,计5分)第一节:听小对话,选择图片。(共五小题,计5分)C第二节:听较长对话,回答问题:(共五小题,计10分) 听下面一段较长对话,回答6、7 小 题。6.Where are they talking?A. At a shop.B. At the doctors.C. At Jims school 7.Whats the matter with Jim?A . Hes got a headache.B. Hes got a toothache.C. Hes broken his leg 听下面一段较长的对话,回大第8-10 小 题。8.

2、What does the boy want to do?A. To mend his shoesB. To wash his shoes.C. To buy a pair of new shoes.9.What size shoes does the boy wear?A. Six. B. Seven.C. Eight.10.What colour shoes does the boy like best?A. WhiteB. Green.C .Blue.第三节:听下列一段对话,完成下面的信息记录表,对话读二遍。(共5小题,计10分)Customer Ticket Booking FromT

3、heatre: West Rood CinemaPlay : 11 Date: 12 Customers name :ROBIN VANCredit card No: 13 Number of tickets: 14 Price of tickets: 7.50 poundsTotal: 15 11.A.Cape FearB.Harry PorterC.Titanic12.A.9:00 SaturdayB.6:00 Saturday C.9:00 Sunday13.A.3226457080 B.3326457080 C.332654708014.A.TwoB.ThreeC.One15.A.7.

4、5poundsB.15poundsC.14pounds二、 单向选择题:(共5小题,计15分)16. My brother is _university student. He likes playing_piano.A. a , anB. an , /C. a , theD. an , the17. Kate studied hard last year . _.A. So wasIB. So did IC. So I was D. So I did18. _Weather it is!Yes, We cant go for a picnic today.A. How badB. What

5、badC. How a bad D. What a bad19. What about having a drink?_.A. Good ideaB. Help yourselfC. Go ahead, pleaseD. Me, too20. He asked me_.A. when the concert beginedB. when did the concert beginC. when the concert begins D. when the concert would begin21. I will spend as much time as I_ the lesson.A. c

6、an go overB. can to go overC. can going overD.go over22. Hes never late for meeting, _?A.isnhe B.has he C.is he D.hasnhe23. The number of the students in our school_forty-eight. And a number of them _League members.A.is ,is B.is,are C.are, is D.are,are 24.Whose watch is this,Mary? Is it your brother

7、s?No,Mum. Its not_. Its_.A. his ,my B .hes ,my C. mine, his D.his, mine25. An elephant is_ bigger than a horse. Which of the following is not true?A. much B.a lot C.far D.more26. What about the English novel?Its not very difficult. There are only _new words in it.A.few B.a few C.little D.a little27.

8、 Why is your foreign teachers Chinese so good?Because he_China for eight years.A.has gone to B.has been to C.has been in D.has come to28. Tracy cant play the match now. Please_instead.A. have lily do it B. have lily to do it C. make lily to do it D.let lily to do it29. The film_since five minutes ag

9、o.A.began B.has begun C.has been on D.started30. What do you think of the fish?Oh,it_.A. cooks well B.well cooked C.has cooked well D.is well cooked 三、完型填空:(共15题,计15分)A library is a place to find out about anything. In it there are mostly books, but there arealso pictures, papers, magazines, maps an

10、d records. Special science and art shows, story hours, films, plays, and contests(竞赛) may also be 31 in a library.Long ago a library had only books, and these were 32 to get. There were so 33_books that no one was _34 to take them out of the library. After the printing machine was _35 , books could

11、be made faster and libraries got more books.To borrow a book to 36 home today, a person just 37 a library card. The person goes to the main desk to have a librarian check the book out. The librarian prints the card with the 38 by which the book must be returned to the library. If the book is returne

12、d 39 , the person must usually pay money for having broken the 40 .Books in a library are put in a certain _41_ to help people to find _42_ they want. In some libraries, all books about animals might be placed together. In_43_ libraries, all books _44_ by the same person may be placed together. Cabi

13、nets(柜子) of cards list each book and tell where it can be found.People who live in the country may have trouble going to a city library. For these people there are libraries on wheels that _45_ from place to place.31.A. asked B. heard C .seen D. held32.A. ready B. cheap C. simple D .difficult 33.A. good B. few C .many D. interesting 34.A .moved B. refused C. allowed D .borrowed 35.A. invented B. lost C .discovered D. operated 36.A. go B. take C. return D. stay at 37.A .needs B. gives C .renews D. receives 3


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