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1、Unit11教师寄语Pain past is pleasure.(无论多么艰难一定要咬牙冲过去,将来回忆起来,一定甜蜜无比)学习目标1.知识目标:能掌握Section A 的单词2.能力目标:be supposed to do 的用法3 情感目标:各国各地的风俗习惯。 学生自主活动材料单项选择:1. _ will your father come back from Beijing? In two days. A.How often B.How long C.How far D.How soon2. _ can I get the ipad if I place an order today?

2、 In about three days, sir. A. How soon B. How long C. How often3. He lost his keyIt made him in the cold to wait for his wifes return A. to stayB. stayedC. staysD. stay4. Welcome to our school ,ladies and gentlemen. _ , Id like to introduce myself. A.To be honest B.To my surprise C.To start with D.T

3、o tell you the truth.5. How do you like the 2014 FIFA Word Cup Brazil ? Its very _ , Im loving it. A. boring B. disappointing C. exciting 6. Meimei is a beautiful girl _ big eyes and dark hair. A. inB. onC. at D. with7. Some of the tired students keep their eyes _ in breaks. A. opened B. close C. cl

4、osed D. open8. The old man cant hear us well because theres something wrong with his _.A. mouthB. noseC. earsD. eyes.9. Does Mary only have an apple for breakfast? Yes. She eats like a bird_ A.to wake up B.to be strong C.to lose weight D. to fall asleep10.Our teachers often tell us _ _ (calm) down f

5、irst when we are in danger.11. Its not the right time to argue about who should be blamed . Wed better _ and find away out as soon as possible. A. stay up B. give up C. calm down D. look down 12. The book of poems written by Indian poet, Tiger, is so amazing that I cant _.A. put it down B. put it of

6、f C. put it out13. Would you be so kind as to _ your music? I am preparing for tomorrows speech. Sure. Sorry to disturb you. A. turn down B. turn up C. turn on14.Its a bad habit to _ what you can do today until tomorrow. A.write down B.talk about C.worry about D. put off15. Scientists say that banan

7、a trees may disappear(消失) from the world _banana cancer. A. because ofB. instead of C. as for D. together with16. When will he leave for Shanghai? As soon as he _ his work. A.finished B. will finish C. is finishing D. Finishes17. If there is any change to the plan, I _ you as soon as possible. A. to

8、ldB. have toldC. tellD. will tell 18. I dont know when _ tomorrow? I will call you as soon as he _. A. will he come; arrivesB. he will come; arrives C. he will come; will arrive19. Henry will give us a report as soon as he_ .A. arrives B. arrived C. is arriving D. will arrive20. When will you return

9、 the book to me? Ill give it to you _ I finish it. A.once B.until C.as soon as D.until21. Your uncle will come to see you as soon as he _ here. A. arrives B. arrived C. will arrive D. is arriving22.Henry, please call us as soon as you_ Hawaii. OK. Ill do that, Mom. A. arrive in B. are arriving in C.

10、 will arrive at23. Will you please give the Readers Times to Jane? Sure,Ill give it to her_ she comes back. A. before B. until C. because D. as soon as24. To their _, they all passed the exam.A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. surprises25. When you meet any problem, youd better ask your teach

11、er for _. A. some advices B. some advice C. a few advices D. a few advice阅读表达In America classroom, if the teacher asks a question, you are expected to answer. If you do not understand the question, you should put up your hand and ask the teacher to repeat the question. If you do not know the answer,

12、 it is all right to tell the teacher that you do not know . Then he or she knows you need to learn. There is no excuse for not doing your homework. If you are absent, you should call your teacher or someone else who is in your class and ask the assignment. It is your responsibility to find out what

13、assignment you have missed. 3.It is not the teachers responsibility to remind you of missed assignments. You must not be absent on a test day. If you are seriously ill, call and let the teacher know you will not be there for the test. If your teacher allows make-up tests, you should take the test wi

14、thin one or two days after returning to class. Serious illness is the only reason for missing a test. Be on time! It is considered rude to be late. Also, it disturbs other students. If you must come in late, be sure to do it quietly. Have your books and papers out of the bag before you come into the room. Then go to your seat and sit quietly. In the USA, it is not necessary to knock before you enter the cla


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