广东清新区激活课堂、先学后导八级英语上册 Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic3 Section B学案 仁爱.doc

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1、Topic 3 Section B一、话题导学:(学习目标)1.Learn some new words and phrases:agree, so-so, pleasant, agree with sb., brave ,useful2.Learnsomeusefulsentences:(1)Ithoughtitwasjustso-so.(2)Ithoughthewasverybrave!(3) Itsnothingserious. (4) MissWangwasangrywithme.3.Goonlearningthepastcontinuoustense:Whatwereyoudoing

2、atthistimelastnight?IwaswatchingaHarryPottermovie.4.Learntoexpressagreementanddisagreement: Ithinkclassicalmusicispleasant.Iagreewithyou./No,Idontthinkso.Ithinkitstoo serious.5. Learn reading phonetic /l/ /n/ , /n/ / and can spell word corresponding example. Pay attention to English pronunciation ev

3、en to read.二、预习导纲:1、单词互译与记忆1) pleasant 2) 勇敢的 3)一般,不怎么样 4)有用的 2、短语互译与记忆 1) 看电影_ 2) 同意某人的看法_ 3) I think so._ 4) 我不认为是这样_3、句子理解与熟读1) Isnt it interesting?2) I agree with you. / I think so. 3) I dont agree. / I dont think so. I think it is just so-so.4) You are quite right.三、课堂导练:1、选词填空brave, agree , us

4、eful , pleasant 1) I think the English learning machine must be _ . It can help me a lot .2)We discussed for about hours . Finally, We all _ with each other on that plan.3) Ireallyenjoythemusic.Itsoundsso_.4) I think Harry Potter is cute and he is very _ .2、单项选择( ) 1. Who can tell me what Tina was d

5、oing from 4:00 to 6:00 yesterday afternoon? She _.A. is watching a movie B. was watching a movie C. watched a movie D. watches a movie( ) 2. What did you do last night ? I _ TV with my friends. A. watches B. watch C. am watching D. watched( ) 3. I think classical music is pleasant. _ . I often liste

6、n to it.A. No, it doesnt. B. I agree with you. C. Yes, it does. D. No, I think so.( ) 4. I_ Jack _ playing in the garden. He _ teaching himself at that time.A. think, wasnt, was B. dont think, wasnt, was C. dont think, was, was D. think, was, was( ) 5. Didnt he go to the corner yesterday ?_. He had

7、to look after his baby at home.A. No, he didnt B. Yes, he did C. No, he did D. Yes, he didnt四、复习自测: 补全对话Jane: 1 Maria: I was watching the movie, Harry Potter.Jane: I saw it last week. 2 Maria: I dont agree. Its terrible.Jane: 3 Maria: No, I dont think so. I think they are just so-so. But I enjoy the

8、 music. 4 Jane: I agree with you. Do you like Harry Potter? I think he is very brave!Maria: Yes, he is handsome, too.Jane: 5 AMmm, you are quite right. B. Its very sweet and pleasant!C. Why? Arent the scenes beautiful?D. Its so wonderful!E. Hary Potter is a movie.F. What were you doing at this time

9、last night?1._ 2._ 3._ 4. _ 5._五、课文解读:1. watch a movie = see a film看电影2. I agree./I think so. 我同意3. I dont agree./ I dont think so. 我不同意4. Isnt it interesting? 否定疑问句,表示肯定意义,特别应注意其回答方式。e.g. - Isnt it beautiful ? - Yes, it is . 不,它漂亮。- No, it isnt . 是的,它不漂亮。5. A: I think classical music is pleasant. 我认为古典音乐令人愉快。 B: I agree with you. / 我同意你的观点。/No, I dont think so. I think its too serious. 不,我不认为这样。我认为它太严肃了。 “pleasant” 是形容词,意思为“令人愉快的”,其名词形式是pleasure意为“愉快”。e.g. Its a pleasant trip. 六、评价内容等级自评小组长评价预习情况ABCD课堂表现ABCD小组合作ABCD3


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