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1、河北省石家庄市第一中学2015届九年级英语第一次模拟试题英语答案V.单项选择: 26-30 CCBBD 31-35 BABCB 36-40 AABDD 41-45AACBCVI. 完形填空: 46-50 BADBA 51-55 CDCCBVII. 阅读理解: 56-60 DBCDC 61-65 DBACD 66-70 CBDADIX.任务型阅读: 76. Helpful.77. Small, Sweet and Simple.78. 我尽力在我的学业上做得很好并且遵守学校的纪律。79. 学校是一个让我们学会关爱和分享的地方。80. My best schoolX. 词语运用: 81-85 be

2、 found; shouted; have kept; talks; to callXI. 基础写作: A)连词成句86. What makes him a special boy87. Is the boy old enough to join the army88. We should keep quiet in the reading room89. They didnt understand what she said90. Bruce kept Jack waiting for an hour yesterday/ Jack kept Bruce waiting for an hou

3、r yesterdayB) 书面表达参考范文Long long ago, there were many trees on the mountains. In order to build houses and grow crops, people cut down as many trees as they could. Soon all the trees have gone. The green hills have changed into wasteland. As a result, sandstorms struck us from time to time. A lot of rich land has changed into desert, leaving only sand. We suffered a lot from this. Now people have realized this and they go to the hill to plant trees. In order to stop the wind from blowing the earth away, we have planted a lot of trees. We still need to work harder to protect the environment9


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