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1、Unit 4 Dont eat in class名人坊Psy gives a speech in Oxford鸟叔在牛津大学发表演讲 Gangnam Style rapper Psy arrives in London on November 7, local time. He is invited by the Oxford Union to give a speech at the University of Oxford. Psy travels from Paris by Eurostar and he stays in the U.K. for three days. The Oxf

2、ord Union is a historic organization in the University of Oxford. It invited many famous people from Jimmy Carter to Michael Jackson to speak to its members before. Psy is the first East Asian pop star to give a speech at the Oxford Union and the speech is Psys first public address in English. He sa

3、ys it is really exciting to be in the U.K. and a great feeling to be greeted by so many people. 当地时间11月7日,凭一曲江南Style风靡世界的韩国歌手Psy 应牛津辩论社的邀请,前往牛津大学发表演讲。鸟叔从巴黎乘坐豪华火车“欧洲之星”来到英国,此次英国之行为期3天。 牛津辩论社是牛津大学历史悠久的组织,此前就曾邀请过曾任美国总统的吉米卡特、传奇天王迈克尔杰克逊等著名人物前来,为辩论会成员发表演讲。鸟叔也成为了首位受邀演讲的东亚流行歌手。这也是鸟叔第一次的英语公开演讲。鸟叔表示“非常兴奋”可以来到英国,受到这么多人的欢迎“感觉很棒”。 相关链接 欧洲之星(Eurostar)是一条连接英国伦敦圣潘可拉斯车站与法国巴黎(北站)、里尔以及比利时布鲁塞尔(南站)的高速铁路服务。任务营根据文章内容回答问题。1. When does Psy arrive in London?_2. How long does he stay in London?_3. What language does he speak to give the speech?_Keys : 1 on November 7, local time 2, three days 3 English2


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