八级英语上册Unit6GoWithTransportationLesson33LifeonWheels导学案新冀教 2.doc

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1、Life on wheels学习目标1. 掌握重点短语的用法;be able to 2. 掌握重点句型的用法;纠正栏课前预习一、课前预习:1.自读课文,在语言环境中记忆本课单词。2.小组内互查单词读写情况。二、新词四会:会拼会读会词性会意思。.eg. rather adv. 相当;宁可1、 翅膀_ _ 2、able _ _ 3、 拉,拖 _ _ 4、机器 _ _5、想象,想到_ _6、环境_ _7、 滑板 _ _8、杰里米(人名) _ 9、太空,距离,空间_ _10、 宇宙飞船_ _11、手推车 _ _12.出现,呈现 _ _13、 .驱动,推动 _ _14、速度 _ _ 15、乘客_ _三、

2、Important phrases: 1. 的开始_ 2.到达 _3.能够,能_ 4.数以千计 _ 5. 两百年前_ 6.充满_7. 对有益_ 8. 去某地旅行_ 9.开始做某事_ 10. 所有的_ 11. 骑自行车去_ 12.起初 _13,来自_ 14.关于的一份报告_ 15.很久以前_ 16.这是我关于交通工具的报告。This is my _ _transportation.17.它看起来是什么样子?_18.蒸汽机可以给船和汽车提供动力。_19. 船在几千年前就存在了。_20.一切都似乎变得更快了。Boats _ _ be getting faster.21.所有的这些小汽车使美国成为车轮

3、上的国家。All of those cars_the U.S a nation _wheels.22. 那是火车的开端。_23. 你能想象未来的交通工具么?_ _ _ future . 课堂呈现I .Listen and choose the correct words. page 87II Read and answer the questions true (T)or false(F) 1 .The lesson is about a report on engines. ( )2.Now we can even have engines on skateboards.( )3.Steam

4、 engines makes the U.S a nation on wheels.( )4.Trains began in the 1700s. ( )难点探究:1. The boats have been around for thousands of years.船舶已经出现几千年了。 eg:他当医生已经三十年了。He _ _a doctor _30 years. 他们做朋友将近四十年了。They _ _ friends _40 years.( 归纳:(1)该句时态为现在完成时,其结构为have /has +_,它在此表示从过去开始持续 到现在的动作,且有可能持续下去。 eg:数字电视已

5、经在市面上出现一段时间了。 The digital television _ _for some time now. 总结:(2)be around 出现 该短语与 appear 同义。 2. Then steam was able to power boats and cars.然后蒸汽能推动船和汽车。Maybe people will be able to live on the moon.也许人类会住在月球上。eg:She _ _ _sing the song in English.她会用英语唱歌。 Will they _ _ _finish the work in three days

6、?三天后,他们能完成这项工作么?归纳:表示“能够”“可以”用_,后面跟_(动词原形/动名词),_(有/没有)时态,人称,数的变化。【Self-check】1.The bag is full of different kinds of toys.(同义句)The bag _ _ _ different kinds of toys.2.做早操对我们有好处。 Its good for us _ _ _morning exercises.3.她因生病不能来了。She isnt _ _ _because he is ill.4.The girl _(begin) to cry when she saw the dog running to her.5.Dont make the baby _(cry) any more .6.This old man seems _(be)lonely. 7.We missed the _(begin) of the movie.8.Birds can fly because they have w_.9.We should try our best to protect _(环境)around us. 10.Are there any living things in the _(太空)?3


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