广东河源中国教育学会中英文实验学校九级英语下册语法复习名词讲学稿新仁爱 1.doc

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《广东河源中国教育学会中英文实验学校九级英语下册语法复习名词讲学稿新仁爱 1.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东河源中国教育学会中英文实验学校九级英语下册语法复习名词讲学稿新仁爱 1.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、名词学习目标与要求:1. 可数名词和不可数名词及可数名词的复数形式。2. 专有名词的概念及拼写。第一段:短课导学 模块一:自主学习学习内容摘 记Step1: 导入1、观看微视频(名词)/ PPT 2、听 暴风听力P3 听填信息53、朗读背诵 中考必备词汇、短语P34D-F开头的短语Step2: 自主学习-独自完成 领航粤考P27-30的考点一考点五 及易混辨析 的内容,并把重点划出来。第二段:长课导学 模块二:交流研讨研讨内容摘 记Step 1:Please check the answers in groups,then find the differences.Step 2:按照组长的分工

2、,每位同学选择一个内容向全组同学进行交流。如有不同意见,请直接提出或质疑。Step 3:教师精讲名词的用法。模块三:巩固内化学习任务Step1 整理名词的五个考点 及易混词的用法Step2 【中考真题再现】( ) 1. All the _ are made of _ , not plastics. A. glass; glass B. glasses, glass C. glasses , glasses D. glass, glasses( ) 2. Jenny gave us _ on how to improve English. A. some advices B. many advi

3、ces C. some advice D. an advice( ) 3. _ about the sports meeting make us excited. A. News B. Information C. Messages D. Advice( ) 4. Look, he is listening to _, and he seems to enjoy himself very much. A. a music B. some musics C. some pieces of music D. some pieces of music( ) 5. _ are going to the

4、 USA tomorrow. A. Smiths B. Smiths C. The Smith D. The Smiths( ) 6. How I wish to be _! He is so great. A. an Edison B. Edison C. the Edison D. Edisons( ) 7. They are from _ . Theyre _. A. Germany; Germans B. Germans ; Germany C. German; Germany D. Germany; Germen( ) 8. -Could you take _ for these_?

5、 - They are very beautiful. A. any photos; tomatoes B. some photos ; tomatoes C. some photos; tomatos D. any photo; tomatoes( ) 9. How many _ are there in the international village? A. Chinese B. Russian C. American D. Germen( ) 10、The _ was too much for the child to carry. A. boxs steel B. box of a

6、 steel C. steel box D. box of the steel ( ) 11、_ are big and bright. A. The classroom window B. The window of the classroom C. The windows of the classroom D. The classrooms windows( ) 12.Could you please get me some _? Im hungry. A. apple B. water C. bread D. egg( ) 13. -The CCTV reported the Premi

7、er Wen Jiaobao played basketball with some students on Childrens Day. -_!And Premier Wen always encourages us to studay hard and do more sports.A. What amazing news B. How amazing news C. What an amazing news( ) 14. Look! The kites in the sky are different _. Some are big and some are small. A. size

8、 B. sizes C. color D. colors( ) 15. -Could you tell me how to remember new words quickly? -Yes, I think a _ tree can help you a lot.A. grammar B. equation C. punctuation D. vocabulary( ) 16. Beth has a beautiful _. Listen! She is singing very well. A. voice B. sound C. noise D. smell( ) 17. I dont t

9、hink looking after children is just _ work.A. woman B. womans C. women D. womens( ) 18. This is _ computer. The twin brother like it very much. A. Mike and Jack B. Mikes and Jacks C. Mike and Jacks( ) 19. The baby can eat _ for breakfast. A. two cup of yogurts B. two slices of bread C. two glasses o

10、f milks D. two piece of bread( ) 20.Some _ came to our school for a visit that day. A. Germans B. Germen C. Germany D. Germanies( ) 21. -Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest bus stop? -Go down this road. Its about _ walk. A. five minutes B. five minutes C. five-minutes D. five minute模块四:当堂训练 完成 领航粤考P7-真题集训 3


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