七级英语下册Unit1ATriptotheSilkRoadLesson3AVisittoXi’an习题1新冀教 1.doc

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1、Unit 1 Lesson 3 A Visit to Xian同步练习一、单词翻译Pagoda hit ancient drum ring bell enjoy dish tour guide 二、选择题1. can I swim here?-Im sorry. Its dangerous. Please look at the sign “_”.A. No smoking B. No pets C. No swimming D. No photos2. You cant take photos here. Look at the sign, “_!”A. No photos B. No ta

2、lking C. Not photos D. Dont photos3. Dont jump to a conclusion! Lets _ the problem first.A. to discuss B. discuss C. discussed D. discussing4. Marry enjoys dancing, its one of her _. A. prize B. prizes C. hobby D. hobbies5. We know that she enjoys _ books very much. A. read B. reads C. reading D. to

3、 read 三、翻译下列句子,每空一词1. 吉姆跑得太快,撞到了树上。Jim runs too fast and _his head _ the tree.2. 走快点。铃响了。Walk fast. The _ _.3. 中国是一个古老的国家。China is _ _ country.4. 你们在那儿将玩得很开心。You _ _ _ _ there.四、按要求完成句子。1. The wall in Xian is 600 years old. (对画线部分提问) _ _ is the wall in Xian? 2. The old man is more than 80 years old. (改为同义句) The old man _ _ 80 years old.3.The boys like swimming in the river. (改为同义句)The boys _ _ in the river.4.take,I, may, photos, here (连词成句)_?五、汉译英 你想敲那个钟了吗? 这座城市有300年历史了。 让我们去吃美味的中国食物吧。 欢迎到西安来。 中国历史悠久。2



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