江苏姜堰八级英语期末复习4 牛津.doc

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1、江苏省姜堰市蒋垛中学2012-2013学年八年级英语上学期期末复习试题4(无答案) 牛津版选择题:1、The little child knows _ English, but he can say _ words.A. many some B. much a few C. a little a few D. little a few2、Thanks for _. A. you help B. your helping C. your help me D. your help3、When the new year comes, well have _ holiday. A. three day

2、s B. three-days C. three days D. three days 4、Lucy and Lily are twins. Lily likes playing games, _ Lucy doesnt. A. and B. but C. or D. as5、We want to have some _ for dinner, so we decide to catch _ now.A. fish many B. fishes much C. fish much D. fishes many6、_ nice picture you gave me! A. How B. How

3、 a C. What D. What a 7、The music, Moonlight Sonata, _ really beautiful. A. looks B. smells C. feels D. sounds8、_ you agree _ me? A. Do to B. Are to C. Do with D. Are with9、The mooncake _ cheese is about $ 25. A. of B. in C. has D. with10、He was born _ a cold night. A. in B. at C. on D. of11、He _ an

4、hour in finishing his work. A. take B. took C. spent D. cost12、They live _ if they have babies.A. like a family B. alike a family C. seem a family D. as a family13、We wrote to you about _ wild animals. A. protect B. protected C. protecting D. to protect14、Wolves have good eyesight, _ and _. A. hear,

5、 smell B. hearing, smelling C. hearing, smell D. hear, smelling15、I think you should not buy clothes _ animal fur. A. made of B. made from C. make by D. to make on16、The Wild _Club is asking its members to write an article. A. animal B. animals C. Animals D. Animals17、Theyre peaceful animals if they

6、 live _ family groups. A. as B. in C. into D. like18、Their number _ smaller and smaller. A. is getting B. are getting C. will change D. will change into19、I will see some beautiful birds if I walk _ a rainforest. A. through B. across C. over D. thought20、In one of the rooms _ three doors and two win

7、dows. A. there are B. there is C. have D. has用所给词的适当形式填空:1、The young mother has two _ (baby) giraffes.2、You can see _ (bamboo) everyhere near the river.3、Now she can eat bamboo _ (leaf).4、The little panda went outside for the _ (two) time.5、Do you know when she _ (arrive) tomorrow?6、I will tell her

8、about it at once when she _ (arrive) at nine oclock tomorrow morning.7、Here _ (be) some of the problems that Xiwang may have in the future.8、Im old enough to look after _ (I).9、If it _ (not snow) tomorrow, we will visit the zoo.10、I dont know if he _ (come) tomorrow.11、Thank you for _ (help) me with

9、 my homework.12、Which will you choose _ (watch), football programmers or TV series(电视连续剧)?13、I want _ (stay) here for two weeks.14、Lets _ (play) football together.15、We all hope _ (visit) the Summer Palace.16、She plans _ (study) at No,4 Middle School.17、My teacher likes _(travel) around the world. I

10、t is his dream.18、Tell her _ (open) the windows.19、Do you think it _ (rain) this afternoon?20、What about _ (sing) an English song?完形填空:An earthquake may hit some places _1_ any time. Do you know _2_ in an earthquake? Let me _3_ you.During a quake, if you are outside, you must get into open air and s

11、tay far away _4_ buildings, trees, and _5_ dangerous things. You _6_ stay in a door way _7_ in a corner or get _8_ a heavy desk or table if you are at home. If you drive a car, a truck or a bus, you must drive _9_ the side of the road and stop.After a quake, you must check everyone in your family fo

12、r _10_ and see _11_ gas, water and electrical lines _12_ OK. Please _13_ use any electrical machines, for there _14_ something wrong _15_ the lines.( )1. A. in B. at C. for D. during( )2. A. to do what B. how to do C. what do D. what to do( )3. A. to tell B. telling C. told D. tell( )4. A. from B. to C. near D. close to( )5. A. any B. the other C. other D. some( )6. A. neednt B. can C. may D. must ( )7. A. and B. or C. but D. except ( )8. A. under B. at C. on D. beside( )9. A. to B. on C. at D. / ( )10. A. safely B. safe C. save D. safety( ) 11. A. if B. weather C. that D. /( ) 12. A.


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