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1、Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?短语归纳think of认为 learn from从获得;向学习 find out查明;弄清楚 talk show谈话节目 game show游戏节目 soap opera肥皂剧 go on发生 watch a movie看电影 a pair of一双;一对 try ones best尽某人最大努力 as famous as与一样有名 have a discussion about就讨论o one day有一天 such as例如 dress up打扮;梳理 take sb.s place代替;替换 do a goo

2、d job干得好 something enjoyable令人愉快的东西 interesting information有趣的资料one of之一 look like看起来像 around the world全世界 a symbol of的象征let sb. do sth.让某人做某事 plan to do sth.计划/打算做某事 hope to do sth.希望做某happen to do sth.碰巧做某事 expect to do sth.盼望做某事 be ready to do sth.乐于做某事 How about doing?做怎么样? try ones best to do s

3、th.尽力做某事语法讲解5. (n)计划: make a plan to do sth.= plan to do sth. 制定计划做 make a plan for sth. 为制定计划 如: make a plan for your trip. (v) 计划;打算:plan (to do) sth 如: plan (to have) a trip (planning; planned)6. 站立:stand up 代表: stand for sth. Our flag stands for our country.容忍(否): cant stand (doing) sth. 如: I ca

4、nt stand telling lies.7. - What do you think of soap operas? - I dont mind them.1). 认为;以为:如: What do you think of sitcoms.想起;记得:如: I cant think of his name now. 考虑;关心:如: Lei Feng always thought of other people first.想一想; 想象:如: Think of the past, youll feel happier.think about: 考虑 如: He is thinking a

5、bout going on vacation .think highly/lightly of sb. /sth.: 对评价甚高/ 轻视 ; 看重/看轻如: Mr. Black thinks highly of his students.think out: 想出(= come up with= think up ) 如: think out a planthink over : 仔细考虑. 如: Let me think it over.think twice : 慎重考虑; 三思而后行 如: Youd better think twice about going there alone2)

6、. (n) 头脑;想法;心思 如: Out of sight, out of mind 眼不见,心不烦 (v)注意;留心: 如: Mind your head! 当心别碰头!Mind your own business! 别管闲事介意;反对(否,疑问,条状)如: Would you mind opening the window?keep. in mind: 记住.。 make up ones mind to do sth. 下定决心做.change ones mind:改变想法 be of /in two minds:犹豫不决 out of ones mind: 失去理智to my mind

7、:依我看 Would /Do you mind (doing) sth.? 你介意。吗?never mind: 没关系(回答道歉: sorry); 别担心(用于安慰对方: I broke the cup.)8. I hope to find out whats going on around the world.(n)希望:如: He never gave up his hope.1. (v)希望: hope to do sth. ; hope +that从句.I hope so. 我希望如此。 I hope not. 我不希望如此。2 但愿(虚拟): wish +that从句. 如: I w

8、ish that I were a bird.希望: wish(sb.) to do sth. 如: Do you really wish me to go?祝愿:wish +sb.+ adj./n. 如: wish you success; wish you a happy New Year. 找到;发现 如: I found a wallet lying on the ground. 我发现一只钱包掉在地上3. 认为;发觉 如: I found it necessary to take exercise.find out :查明;弄清楚 如: Youd better find out wh

9、o broke the window.look for :寻找 如: They looked for it everywhere, but they didnt find it4. 发生(happen):Whats going on here? 进展:How did you go on in your study? 你的学习进展得怎么样? 继续 同一件事:go on doing sth. = go on with sth. it will go on raining all day.另一件事: go on to do sth. 如: Stop reading. Lets go on to an

10、swer the question.9We had a discussion about TV shows. 我们讨论了电视节目。 discussion(n); discuss(v)about sth. = discuss (about) sth. 讨论with sb. = discuss with sb. 与 讨论10. I like to follow the story and see what happens next. 我喜欢跟着故事的发展看看接下来发生什么。 跟随: 如: I followed her up the steps. 我跟着她上了楼梯 遵循;服从(命令;规则等) 如:F

11、ollow my advice.沿着前进: 如: Follow the road to the bridge.理解;听清楚(sb) 如: You speak too fast for me to follow.2). 发生(go on):What happened to you?= Whats wrong with you? 巧遇/偶然做.:I happened to be out when you called . 你给我打电话时我正好不在家。11You can expect to learn a lot/ much from sitcoms. 你能期望从情景喜剧中学到很多。1). 期望;盼

12、望:expect sth/that+从句: I expect the result.expect (sb. )to do sth. I expect (you) to win the game.预料;认为:I expect that he will come soon.I expect so: 我认为如此 I expect not.= I dont expect so. 我不认为如此learn from :从中学到 ; learn from :向学习12. famous be famous for.: 因(技能;特色)出名 Edison was famous for his invention

13、s有名的;著名的 be famous as.: 因(身份;产地)出名 He is famous as a magacian.13. 出现;(演员)出场 : My friend didnt appear until 6 oclock.(书刊等)出版 : His new book will appear next week.似乎;好像(seem) He appears (to be) serious.14. 出来;花开;发芽 : Its wonderful to watch the stars come out at night. (书刊、产品等)上市;发行:His new record(唱片)c

14、ame out last week. (秘密;真相)传出;大白: The truth will come out sooner or later.15. He become very rich and successful.1). rich: 有钱的;丰富的 He is rich in experience. 他经验丰富 2). success (n):成功- succeed(v)取得成功-successful(adj)/ successfully(adv) 成功的16. One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried toface any danger. 主要原因之一是米老鼠就像一个普通人



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