八级英语上册 Unit3comic strip and welcome to the unit教学案Word共10课时 牛津译林.doc

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1、8AUnit 3主备人总 课时上课时间课题8AUnit 3 comic strip and welcome to the unit学习目标知识目标识别国外著名城市及景点。能力目标能通过简单对话和同伴交流自己的假期旅游计划。能谈论自己想去的国家和城市。情感目标培养学生的美感。学习重点能通过简单对话和同伴交流自己的假期旅游计划。学习难点识别国外著名城市及景点的英语名称。课前自学一、自学本课时的单词。二、在文中用横线划出这些短语并翻译。Keep fit come downtake care have a great timea building with a garden want to exerc

2、ise经过 白宫埃菲尔铁塔 剧院三、翻译以下句子。1.你打算干什么?What are you going _ _?2.我计划去锻炼。I am going to_.3.你需要锻炼来保持健康。You _ _exercise and _ _.4.来吧,让我们玩得愉快。come on.lets _ _.5.你想参观哪个外国的国家? Which _ country do you want to visit?6.我们坐长途汽车到达世界公园。 We arrived at the world park _ _ .四、你知道下列名胜的中文名字及他们所在的国家吗?1.the Opera House _ _2.Mo

3、unt Fuji _ _3.the big Ben _ _4.the Statue of Liberty _ _5.the Golden Gate Bridge _ _6.the White House _ _7.the Eiffel Tower _ _课堂交流展示Step 1预习检测。 1.小组长检查单词的预习情况,教师巡视纠正单词的读音 。 学生读单词, 并自由背本课所学的生词 。 默写单词。2.组内核对课前自学第二题翻译短语。 自由读短语一遍。Step 2 合作学习1、向学生展示漫画的第一幅图,讨论Eddie 想要干什么。2.学生听课文的录音,思考问题 Does Eddie want t

4、o exercise? What does Eddie need to do? What is Eddie going to do? 听完录音后学生分组讨论以上问题,并交流答案。3.学生跟着录音朗读漫画里的对话,然后小组内分角色对话,教师提醒学生注意语音语调。Step 31.学生讨论自己知道的国家和城市以及一些标志性的建筑物。2.学生分三组分别自学A部分的一张明信片,在提到的地点下划线,并在旁边注明所在的国家和城市。并讨论以下问题。 Who sent the posrcard?Which city is it in?What can we see in the picture? 学生活动:学生

5、完成匹配练习,每组成员向其他学生介绍各自的明信片 学生自由读三张明信片。Step 4 1.学生听B部分的录音,思考问题 Which country does Simon want to visit? Which city does Simon want to visit? Why? 学生同桌讨论问题,并汇报答案。2.学生集体跟录音朗读后,分角色朗读。3.学生自行设计一段对话,介绍自己的出游计划。可以模仿B部分的对话。 学生小组练习后,汇报表演自己的对话。4.核对课前自学部分剩下的练习。课堂达标检测一、根据首字母填空。1.I took a b_ trip under the famous Har

6、bour Bridge and went p_ the Opora House.2.We are sitting in a little c_ shop by the river Seine.3.The p_ of the USA lives there.4.It is a beautiful building w_ a big garden and many trees.5.Which f_ country do you want to visit?二根据提示,完成句子.1.We _ _ _ _ (乘船旅行)on the Yangze River last summer.2.It is di

7、ffcult for me to reach _ _ _(的顶部) the mountain.3.It is a beautiful school _ _ _ _ (有一个大的图书馆).4._ _ (来吧)! Lets play with each other.5.When the ship _ _(经过) the Opera House,we felt very excited.三、句型转换。1.we arrived at the World park by coach.(对划线部分提问)2.the famous Harbor Bridge,took a boat trip,I,and,pa

8、st the Opera House,under,went.(连词成句) 3.Did you enjoy yourselves when you went out?(改成同义句)4.when I passed by,they were sitting in a little coffee shop. (对划线部分提问)四选择。1_.is live in the White House.A. Bush B. Washionton C. Orbama2.The Effiel Tower and River Seine are both in _.A.London B. Paris C.New Yo

9、rk3.The Effiel Tower is _ metres high.A.34 B.134 C.3244.If you go to Australia, dont forget to go to see the _.A.Big Ben B.Opera House C.River Seine.导 学 案主备人总 课时上课时间课题Unit 3 reading 1学习目标知识目标1. 读懂文章,了解此次游玩的基本情况。2. 复习和拓展有关世界名胜的知识。能力目标学会用正确的形容词描述旅游的感受。情感目标热爱我们的世界、国家和我们的生命。学习重点复习和拓展有关世界名胜的知识学习难点学会用正确的形

10、容词描述旅游的感受课前自学一、 根据单词读音规则自学本课时的单词并记忆。 二在文中找出这些短语、句子并借助英汉词典翻译。 Inviteto. at the begining Get on the coach a lot of traffic Feel sick be made of metal Places of interest join in 过得愉快 不再 下车 加入 自学做某事 遍及 由.做成 在高速公路上1. The trip from Kittys school took about two hours by coach.2. kitty and I did not feel si

11、ck any more.3. The model pyramids looked just like the real ones in Egypt.4. Kittys classmate Daniel taught himself how to make a home page. 三、思考以下问题。How Many places of interest are there in the world park.What did Linda think of the song and dance parade?Where can you see the real Golden Gate Bridg

12、e?What was the best part of the day?Could Lindas mother see the photos? Why?课堂交流展示Step 1.预习检测。.邀请学生视频展示课前自学部分第三题的答案。也可以使用小黑板展示。 自由朗读这些短语与句子。Step 2 reading.1.学生自由讨论关于自己的travelling.Do you like travelling?What places of interest did you visit before?How do you go there?Linda 在北京也和阳光中学的学生进行了一次短途旅行。请学生带着问题How did Linda feel about the visit to the world park?快速阅读课文,并获取答案。2.学生细读课文,然后完成C1部分的判断正误练习。 核对答案,要求学生把错误的句子改正,并能从文章中找出依据。3. 指导学生把课文分成三段。听课文的第一段,并做以下T 与F 练习。a. Mr wu invited Linda to join their school trip on October 25th.b.It took them half an hour to get to



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