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1、用心 爱心 专心 初三英语初三英语期中试卷期中试卷人教版人教版 朗文朗文 同步教育信息同步教育信息 一 本周教学内容 期中试卷 第 I 卷 共 78 分 第一部分 听力 共 24 分 yc3yyal37 ASF 一 听六段小对话和对话后面的问题 然后选择正确答案 每段对话朗读二遍 1 A 11B 12C 13 2 A YellowB GreenC White 3 A 11 00B 11 05C 10 55 4 A A cup of teaB A glass of milkC A bottle of orange juice 5 A MeatB EggsC Vegetables 二 听对话 短文

2、和它们后面提出的问题 然后选择正确答案 对话及短文朗读二遍 听 第七段材料 回答第 6 至第 8 小题 6 A shopkeeperB The man s bossC A policewoman 7 A He takes the wrong car B He drives too fast C He loses his license 8 A Not polite B Very carelessC Very foolish 听第八段材料 回答第 9 至第 11 小题 9 A In front of a theatre B Near a clothes shop C At a bus stop

3、10 A He missed the bus B He had a lot of work C He had an unexpected visitor 11 A SadB AngryC Worried 听第九段材料 回答第 12 至第 14 小题 12 A It will be rainy in most of North China B It will be fine and sunny C It will be cold wet and windy 13 A 3 10 above zero B 5 10 below zero C 5 above zero to 11 below zero

4、 14 A SnowyB RainyC Windy 用心 爱心 专心 听第十段材料 回答第 15 至第 17 小题 15 A Bad boysB Weak girlsC Strong girls 16 A Strong minded and healthy B Healthy and kind hearted C Happy and good looking 17 A ThinkingB TalkingC Working 第二部分 笔试 共 54 分 三 单项选择 从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项 共 20 分 每题 1 分 18 What is your uncle s

5、 name name is Micheal A My B YourC HisD Her 19 What s the matter with your brother something wrong with his lung A There isB There areC I amD I have 20 Which do you prefer playing basketball or listening to CD Neither I like reading books A muchB wellC betterD best 21 Mother often makes dishes after

6、 dinner You must learn to do some housework A me to washB me washC me washingD I will wash 22 How did you make the street so beautiful We planted flowers the trees along it A betweenB amongC besideD behind 23 Where is Jane Is she in the classroom No she I saw her go to the shop center just now A mus

7、tn t beB needn tC can t beD shouldn t be 24 Do you know Kevin Yes We each other since 1980 A knowB are knowingC knewD have known 25 Would you mind if I use your mobile phone A It doesn t matter B Certainly not C You re welcome D That s all right 26 Tim was busy when John got home A washingB to washC

8、 washesD washed 27 It s very cold outside We d better here any longer A not to stayB don t stayC not stayD not staying 28 Did you see Tom at the birthday party last Sunday No he invited A hasn t beenB isn tC won t beD wasn t 29 Mr Pope burnt while cooking this morning A himB heC himselfD his 用心 爱心 专

9、心 30 Women a lot of money clothes each year A spend onB take forC use onD pay off 31 Can we do our work with money and people A less fewB less fewerC little fewD fewer less 32 The students will have a holiday after the exam A two monthB two months C two monthsD two month 33 He went to Jim s home and

10、 his tennis bat A get toB gets backC got backD got to 34 Mother bought a beautiful new dress yesterday she A isn tB didn tC wasn tD won t 35 A friend of my is coming to visit China tomorrow A sister sB sistersC sisterD sisters 36 It s very kind you say so A for to B to forC of withD of to 37 She ask

11、ed me if I knew A whose pen is it B whose pen it was C whose pen it isD whose pen was it 四 完形填空 通读下面短文 掌握大意 然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择能填 入相应空白处的最佳选项 共 12 分 每题 1 分 Which of your two hands do you use more often Very 38 of us can use both of our hands equallywell Most of us are right handed Only about five 39

12、out of a hundred are left handed New born babies can hold things 40 either of the hands but 41 about two years they usually like to use their right hands Scientists do not know 42 this happens They 43 that we got this from our ancestors but this may not be 44 Monkeys are our closest relatives in the

13、 animal world Scientists have found that monkeys prefer to use one of their hands more than 45 but it can be 46 hand There are as many right handed monkeys 47 there are left handed ones Next time you visit the zoo 48 the monkeys carefully You will see that some of them will use their left hands But

14、most humans use their right hands well and this 49 life difficult for the left handed people We live in a right handed world 38 A a fewB fewC littleD many 39 A personB peopleC womenD men 40 A onB inC withD by 41 A inB afterC beforeD for 42 A whenB thatC whyD what 43 A learnB hearC hopeD think 44 A r

15、ealB trueC wrongD good 45 A otherB othersC anotherD the other 46 A anyB either C everyD both 47 A likeB asC andD while 48 A lookB watchC seeD enjoy 49 A livesB bringsC keepsD makes 用心 爱心 专心 五 阅读理解 阅读下列 A B C 三篇短文 根据短文内容 从短文后所给的四 个选项中选择最佳答案 共 22 分 每题 2 分 A A strange thing happens to nearly everybody

16、at night They turn off the light pull up the covers 被子 and close their eyes Six or seven sleeping hours later they wake up again Strange isn t it Sleep puzzles science Scientists and doctors would rather talk about why one can t fall asleep They are not sure what causes sleep The best conditions for sleep are good health and meals neither too big nor too small No worries and a comfortable place are important too They advise against two in bed Strange things happen during sleep For example they m



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