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1、第五单元测试卷考试范围:U5;考试时间:100分钟学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_第I卷(选择题)1、 单选题 1 Dont forget _ the door when you _.A closing;leave Bclosing;are leaving Cto close;leave Dto close;will leave2_?I dont mind them.AWhats your favorite movie BWhy do you like soap operas CWhats wrong with you DWhat do you think of sitcoms3We must

2、_who broke the mirror yesterday.Acome out Bfind out Cgo out Dput out4- What do you think of the Talk Show, Paul?- I cant it. Its too boring.Awalk Bstand Cclimb Djump5All the students are getting ready their homework.Ado Bto do Cdoing Ddoes6Mr.Yang bought an expensive car last week.Really?He must be

3、very_.Ashy Btalented CFriendly Drich7- Yan Hui was ill yesterday. I think you can today.- OK. I will try to finish the work.Atake her place Btake place Cin the place of Din the first place8He looks rich. _, he is very poor.ABut BHowever CWhile DYet9If you want to _ whats going on around the world, y

4、ou can watch the news.Apick up Bbring out Cmake up Dfind out10 Mickey is one of the _ famous cartoon characters. Yes, and no one has a pair of ears _ famous than hisAmost most Bmore; more Cmore; most Dmost; more 二、完型填空There are different kinds of TV programs for you. When you _ the TV programs, your

5、 brain cells (脑细胞) keep active. So it is _ for you.Now more and more people are very _. They need a way to make_relaxed. Watching TV is an easy_ to make it. You can_ your interest on TV and think less about your trouble.There are many educational programs on TV. You can get a lot of knowledge_watchi

6、ng TV. For example, you can_ about the history of other countries. When you watch TV with your family, you can_your ideas with them. You will have a great time by watching a funny _. When you watch TV, you can learn English, and you can also learn about the latest news. 11Aread Btake Cwatch Dstudy 1

7、2Auseless Bhelpful Cterrible Dbad 13Afree Bbusy Cimportant Dsuccessful 14Ahimself Bherself Cmyself Dthemselves 15Asubject Bday Cway Dlesson 16Astart Bfind Cthink Dbuy 17Aof Babout Cby Das 18Amake Blearn Chold Dwrite 19Ashare Blove Cput Dpick 20Aprogram Blist Cphoto Dbook 三、阅读单选All of Britain talked

8、about the royal wedding(皇室婚礼)between Prince William and Kate Middleton.Many people wanted to watch it.But only a small part of them could get an invitation.Hermione Sutton is a six-year-old girl from Epson.She is one of the lucky few people who got a ticket(入场券) to the royal wedding.It is difficult

9、for Hermione to walk or stand for a long time.Her mother Helen found that the royal family could give some seats for disabled(残疾的) people.She decided to ask for the tickets.They waited and waited.On March 31st, they got an invitation.“I thought it was a joke for April 1st.Did it arrive a day earlier

10、?” Helen Sutton said.Hermione was excited to watch the royal wedding.She waited for the April 29th wedding.“Well take flowers, cameras and I can take more photos that day than in the past year or more,” she said.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。21 Hermione is from_.AAmerica BCanada CEngland DAustralia22There is someth

11、ing wrong with Hermiones_.Aarm Bleg Chand Dheart23_ asked for the ticket of the royal wedding.AHermione BHelen CWilliam DKate24The ticket arrived on_.AMarch 31st BApril 1st CApril 29th DMay 2nd25Hermione wont take_ to the royal wedding.AFlowers Bcameras Ctickets DringsXiao Lins father is ill. His mo

12、ther must look after him at home. So she says to her son,“Go to the hospital and ask a doctor to come to us, Xiao Lin. ”“OK,”says the boy,“But where is the hospital?”“In the town. ”answers his mother. Then Xiao Lin leaves his house. He gets to a fork (岔路口). He doesnt know if he turns right or left.

13、He stands there. Just then a farmer drives a carriage(马车) and comes. “How far is the town from here?”asks Xiao Lin. “Two kilometers. ”says the farmer. “May I take your carriage?”“Certainly. ”“Thank you very much,”Xiao Lin is happy and gets on the carriage. Half an hour later the carriage doesnt get to the town. “How far is the town from here?”Xiao Lin asks again. “Four kilometers. ”says the



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