九级英语期末 人教四制.doc

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1、九年级英语期末试卷一. 听力理解(共15分,每小题1分)(A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个句子并看到供选择的三个句子,找出与你所听到的那个在意思上最接近的选项。1. A. Mary didnt go to the park . B. Susan went to the park . C. Betty went to the park . 2. A. They came here at 9:00 . B. They left here at 10:00 . C. They stayed here for one hour . 3. A. My favourite sport is fishing

2、 . B. I like fish best of all . C. I prefer fish to anything else . 4. A. Bill is on the watch . B. The books are on the watch . C. The watch is on the books . 5. A. We must ask the question . B. We must remember the question . C. The question is not difficult . (B)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个问句并看到供选择的三个答语,找出能回答你

3、所听到的那个问句的最佳答案。6. A. Only once . B. Once a month . C. Last month . 7. A. Certainly . What would you like me to do ? B. With pleasure . What would you like ?C. Why dont you do it yourself ? 8. A. A bird . B. A plane . C. A dog . 9. A. The exit is here . B. This way , please . C. Of course . Thanks . (

4、C)在下列每小题内,你将听到一组对话和一个问题。根据对话内容,从所给的三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的答案。10. A. To sell his watch . B. To ask someone to mend his watch . C. To go somewhere . 11. A. 40 dollars . B. 25 dollars . C. 65 dollars . 12. A. To Australia . B. To America . C. To Japan . 13. A. They are changing the water . B. They are cleaning

5、 the pool . C. The swimming pool wont be open tomorrow . (D)请听下面一段独白,回答第14、15题。14. A. In a shop . B. In a post office . C. In a factory . 15. A. It came to do nothing . B. It came to play with Tom . C. It came to pick up the letter . 二. 单项选择(共20分,每小题1分)从下列每小题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1. It was tha

6、t he couldnt finish it by himself . A. such difficult work B. so difficult a workC. such a difficultD. so difficult work2. How long does it take you to go to your school ?About 25 walk . A. minute B. minutes C. minutes D. minutes3. I want to tell you .A. two pieces news B. two piece of newsC. two pi

7、eces of news D. two pieces of the news4. I dont like these trousers . Can you show me .A. one another B. another one C. any other one D. any others 5. Would you like some tea ? Yes , just .A. few B. little C. a few D. a little6. Anything that you can buy Barbie can .A. to ; collected B. for ; collec

8、ting C. for ; collected D. for ; be collected7. The mast broke at sea yesterday , so we couldnt get there on time . A. of B. off C. in D. from8. In the USA , the Sunday in May is Mothers Day . A. first B. second C. third D. fourth9. The smog smelled very .A. badly B. bad C. worse D. worst10. We are

9、very busy because weve so books to read and so homework to do every day . A. much ; many B. many ; much C. many ; a lot of D. a lot ; much11. I an hour and a half on my homework yesterday . A. took B. cost C. used D. spent12. She learned to speak English , and then herself French . A. went on teachi

10、ng B. went on to teach C. kept on teaching D. kept teaching13. The teapot is heavy . It must water . A. be full with B. fill with C. be filled with D be filling of14. The radio needs , its too old . A. to repair B. repairing C. repaired D. being repaired15. He the desk leg so hard that he hurt his t

11、oes . A. has kicked B. kicks C. is kicking D. kicked16. Its not good manners on the playground . A. to spit B. spitted C. spat D. spitting17. It is said that India a satellite last month . A. send up B. send up into C. sent up D. sent into18. Thats the painter paintings are so highly regarded . A. w

12、ho B. whom C. whose D. which19. Happy Mothers Day , Mum . .A. The same to you B. Thank you C. Not at all D. Yes , it is20. Do you know ? Im going to see him . Sorry , I dont know . A. where does Mr Li live B. where did Mr Li liveC. where Mr Li lives D. where Mr Li lived 三. 完型填空(共10分,每小题1分)There is a

13、 new doctor at a hospital near London . He is very 1 , but he never 2 . He can work twenty-four hours a day and never gets tired . He is one meter 3 and has a face like a TV screen . He is Dr Robot . Doctors often need to ask their patients 4 questions . Busy doctors can only 5 a few minutes on each patient . But Dr Robot can ask a patient questions 6 an hour if it is necessary . With the 7 of Dr Robot , a human doctor can have a lot of 8 information when he 9 his patent . How can Dr Robot do this ? A computer “ tell ” him what to do . Though Dr Robot can do a lot of things people can d



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