广东肇庆广宁木格中学八级英语上册Unit2Keepinghealthy导学案新仁爱 1.doc

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1、Unit 2 Topic 1 Section A (第一课时)一、话题导学:(学习目标)1、词汇:P132 2、学习如何表达身体的种种不适。3、学习如何用should / shouldnt 给他人提建议。二、预习导纲:I、单词互译与记忆1.牙痛_2.背痛_ 3.头痛_ 4.胃痛_5牙医_6.发烧_7.建议_8.足够的_ 9.沸腾_10.咖啡 II、短语互译与记忆 1. 看起来健康_2. 牙疼_3. 看牙医_4. 康复_5. 患感冒_6. 开水_ 7. 躺在床上 _8. 好好睡一觉_ 9.抬起重物 三、课堂导练: 单项选择。( ) 1. _? I have a cold.A. whats wro

2、ng with you? B. Whats the matter with you C. whats the trouble with you ? D. A,B and C( ) 2. Oh, I had a bad headache. _.A. You should drink some cold water B. Im sorry to hear that C. Never mind D. whats wrong?( ) 3. I hope your mother will be well soon. _.A. It doesnt matter B. I think she will. C

3、. Thank you D. Im afraid so ( ) 4. You should _ more water when you have a fever.A. drinks B. drinking C. drank D. drink( ) 5. I cant sleep, so I _ listen to quiet music, and I _ listen to exciting music. A. should; should B. shouldnt; shouldntC. should; shouldnt D. can; dont四、课文解读:1. I hope youll g

4、et well soon .hope 意为“希望、期望”后可接不定式作宾语 I hope that I will go swimming tomorrow . I hope to go swimming tomorrow . 但不能说hope sb. to do sth. 可以用wish来表达,wish sb. to do sth. get 为系动词,后面跟形容词。Well在此句中为“身体健康的身体好的”,是形容词;well也可作副词,意为“好,令人满意地“。如He speaks English well.他说英语说得好。Unit 2 Topic 1 Section A (第二课时)主备课人:

5、吴敏静 授课人:吴敏静 罗宝珍 日期:2015年10月 日 班别: 姓名: 审核人: 一、自主学习:1.与同学交换练习1a对话,然后完成1b; 2.仿照1c对话,对照图片与同桌练习对话; 3.完成p28的2部分,与同学交换练习对话2、 合作探究: (一) 完成下列句子(1) 你怎么啦?Whats _with you?=Whats _ _with you?(2)我患了重感冒。I_ _ bad cold. (3)我希望你能快点好起来。I hope youll _ _ soon.(4)你应该躺在床上好好休息。 You should _ _ _ and have a good sleep.(二)情景交

6、际 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。Cara:Mom, 11 Mom:Whats the matter?Cara: 12 Mom: 13 Cara:About oneo clock.Mom:What did you eat for lunch?Cara: 14 Mom:An apple? No more?Cara:No.Mom:Oh, 15 You should eat some hamburgers.A. When did it start?B. I have a stomachache.C. you are hungry.D. I am not feeling well.E. I ate

7、an apple.11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 3、 课后作业抄写并记忆本课单词和短语 完成section A 练习册熟读1a对话Unit 2 Topic 1 Section B(第一课时) 班别: 姓名: 审核人: 一、话题导学:(学习目标)1、词汇:P132(29-30)2、学习情态动词should 和shouldnt以及had better和 had better not 表示劝 告和建议的用法。3、能够向别人表述自己的病情并学会给别人提建议,在实际生活中学会运用。二、预习导纲:I、单词互译与记忆1.建议_ 2.糟糕的_3.流感_ 4.药_ 5.躺_ 6.糖果_ 7.刷_ 4.

8、牙齿_ (复数)_II、在课本中找出下列短语划在书上并翻译1. 看起来气色不好_2. 患流感_3.吃些药_4.休息_5. 日日夜夜_6.躺下_ 7.一天两次_ 8.太多_三、课堂导练:单项选择。( ) 1. It cold outside. Youd better _ your coat.A. put on B. to put onC. take offD. to take off( ) 2. Mom ,I have a sore throat . _.A. Youd better eat hot food .B. Youd better not eat hot food C. Youd be

9、tter to not eat hot food ( ) 3. Oh ,I have a high fever. I am feeling terrible .I am sorry to hear that._.A. You need to take some medicine B. You need to see a doctor C. A and B( ) 4. I had _ bad cold and had to stay in _ bed.A; /B. the; /C. a; theD. the; the( ) 5.- My grandma is ill in hospital. -

10、 _.A. Oh, is she OK? B. Im sorry to hear thatC. whats wrong?( ) 6. We shouldnt eat _ meat. Its bad for our health.A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too( ) 7. He_down and rested before ten oclock last night.A. lieB. lay C. lied D. lyingUnit 2 Topic 1 Section A (第二课时) 班别: 姓名: 审核人: 一、自主学习:1.与

11、同学交换练习1a对话,然后完成1b; 2.仿照1c对话,对照图片与同桌练习对话; 3.完成p28的2部分,与同学交换练习对话3、 合作探究: (一) 完成下列句子(2) 你怎么啦?Whats _with you?=Whats _ _with you?(2)我患了重感冒。I_ _ bad cold. (3)我希望你能快点好起来。I hope youll _ _ soon.(4)你应该躺在床上好好休息。 You should _ _ _ and have a good sleep.(二)情景交际 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。Cara:Mom, 11 Mom:Whats the matter?C

12、ara: 12 Mom: 13 Cara:About oneo clock.Mom:What did you eat for lunch?Cara: 14 Mom:An apple? No more?Cara:No.Mom:Oh, 15 You should eat some hamburgers.A. When did it start?B. I have a stomachache.C. you are hungry.D. I am not feeling well.E. I ate an apple.12. 12. 13. 14. 15. 4、 课后作业抄写并记忆本课单词和短语完成section A 练习册熟读1a对话Unit 2 Topic 1 Section C(第一课时) 班别: 姓名:



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