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1、Unit3Isthisyourpencil SectionA11a 2d apencil e What sthis thatinEnglish apencilsharpener a p n What sthis thatinEnglish abook b k What sthis thatinEnglish anotebook n tb k What sthis thatinEnglish apencilcase ke s What sthis thatinEnglish abackpack b kp k What sthis thatinEnglish adictionary d k n r

2、 What sthis thatinEnglish aneraser apencil apencilsharpener apencilcase abackpack adictionary abook anotebook acup anorange apen akey 1a Lead in What sthisinEnglish It sakey Spellitplease K E Y What sthatinEnglish Howdoyouspellit It sapen P E N 1 pencil 2 pen 3 books 4 eraser 5 ruler 6 pencilbox 7 s

3、choolbag 8 dictionary e g b h c f a d 1a Matchthewordswiththethingsinthepicture A Isthisyourpencil B Yes itis It smine A Isthatyourschoolbag B No itisn t It shis A Aretheseyourbooks B No theyaren t They rehers Listenandnumbertheconversations 1 3 3 2 1 1b 1c Practicetheconversationswithyourpartner Th

4、enmakeyourownconversations A Isthisyourpencil B Yes itis It smine A Isthatyourschoolbag B No itisn t It shis A Aretheseyourbooks B No theyaren t They rehers That sherkey It shers 它是她的 Thosearehisbooks They rehis 它们是他的 mypen mine herkey hers hisbooks his That smypen It smine 它是我的 It s hers It s his A

5、retheseyourbooks Yes theyare Theyaremine No theyaren t Theyarehers Aretheseyourpens Yes theyare Theyaremine No theyaren t Theyarehers box boxes Aretheseyourboxes Yes theyare Theyaremine No theyaren t Theyarehis Isthis thatyour Yes itis It smine No itisn t It shers his schoolbag dictionary eraser pen

6、cilbox Arethese thoseyour Yes theyare They remine No theyaren t They rehers his books rulers Listenandcheck thethingsyouhear 2a Listening Listenagain Completetheconversationwiththewordsinthebox 2b eraserspencilrulerpencilboxbooks Tom Excuseme Grace Isthisyourpencil Grace Yes thankyou Andthosearemy T

7、om AndJane isthisyour Jane No itisn t It shers Tom OK andthesearemy Thisisyour Jane erasers ruler books pencilbox Practicetheconversationin2b Thenmakeyourownconversationsusingthethingsinyourclassroom 2c Tom Excuseme Grace Isthisyourpencil Grace Yes thankyou Andthosearemyerasers Tom AndJane isthisyou

8、rruler Jane No itisn t It shers Tom OK andthesearemybooks Thisisyourpencilbox Jane Lookatthepicture Whatcanyouseeinthepicture book pen pencil eraser Readthedialoguein2d Thenmatchtherightthings pencils greenpen bluepen dictionary eraser Bob s Anna s Helen s Teacher Hi Anna Aretheseyourpencils Anna No

9、 they reBob s Teacher Andisthishisgreenpen Anna No itisn t Thebluepenishis Teacher Whataboutthisdictionary 2d Anna It sHelen s Andthegreenpenishers too Teacher Andtheeraser Isthatyours Anna Yes itis Teacher Thankyouforyourhelp Anna Anna You rewelcome 1 Isthat this 那 这是 这是个一般疑问句句型 是用来确认物主关系的 肯定回答 Yes

10、 itis 否定回答 No itisn t 注意 答语不用this或that e g Isthisanorange 这是个桔子吗 Yes itis 是的 它是 Isthatyourjacket 那是你的夹克吗 No itisn t 不 不是 Explaination 2 Arethese those 这些 那些是 吗 在这种句型中名词要用复数形式 不用不可数名词 肯定回答 Yes theyare 是的 否定回答 No theyaren t 不是 注意 不能用these或those来做简略回答 e g Aretheseyourrulers 这些是你的尺子吗 No theyaren t 不是 Ar

11、ethosehiserasers 那些是他的橡皮吗 Yes theyare 是 3 Excuseme Grace Isthisyourpencil Excuseme意为 对不起 劳驾 或 请原谅 是英语国家的人们常挂在嘴边的话语 主要用于以下情况 1 引起别人的注意 如问路 问姓名等 e g Excuseme areyouMsMiller 请问 你是米勒女士吗 2 征求别人的许可 e g Excuseme couldIaskyousomequestions 打扰了 我可以问你几个问题吗 4 Teacher Whataboutthisdictionary Anna It sHelen s Wha

12、tabout 意为 怎么样 相当于Howabout 后面可接名词 代词或动词 ing形式 用于非正式场合中对所谈话题进行反问 或向对方征求意见 e g I mbusythisafternoon Whataboutthisevening 今天下午我比较忙 今晚怎么样 IlikeEnglish Howaboutyou 我喜欢英语 你呢 Helen s表示 海伦的 s是 名词所有格 用于名词的后边 表示 的 e g mybrother sname我兄弟的名字Jack sfatherandJohn suncle杰克的爸爸和约翰的舅舅 5 Thankyouforyourhelp Anna thankyo

13、ufor 意为 为 感谢你 等于Thanksfor 都是表达感谢的方式 for是介词 后加名词 代词或动词 ing形式 表示感谢的内容或原因 即thankyouforsth 或thankyoufordoingsth e g Thankyouforyourbooks Thanksforyourbooks 多谢你的书 Thankyouforyourphotos 谢谢你的照片 Thankyouforhelpingme 谢谢你帮助我 6 You rewelcome 别客气 不用谢 当别人向你表示感谢说Thankyou Thanks Thankyouverymuch Thanksalot 时 你可以用Y

14、ou rewelcome 来回答 表示 不用谢 还可以用 That sOK That sallright Notatall 等 e g Thankyouverymuch 非常感谢 You rewelcome 不用谢 别客气 welcome也可作动词 表示 欢迎 e g Welcometoourschool 欢迎到我们学校来 一 将单词与正确的图片相连 a b c d e f g h i 1 pen 2 ruler 3 book 7 eraser 5 pencil 6 schoolbag 4 teacher 8 dictionary 9 pencilbox 1 areyouLindSmith 2

15、 Mary thisisyourpen Hereyouare 3 Arethosehispicture No aren t 二 选词填空 they You rewelcome ThankyouExcuseme hers whatabout Excuseme Thankyou they 4 Isthisyourpencilbox No itisn t It s 5 Myschoolbagisred yours It sred too 6 Thankyouforyourhelp Linda hers Whatabout You rewelcome 1 Thatishisschoolbag 变为一般

16、疑问句 hisschoolbag 作肯定及否定回答 Yes No 2 Thesearehererasers 变为一般疑问句 hererasers 作肯定及否定回答 Yes No 三 句型转换 Isthat theyare itisn t itis Arethese theyaren t 3 Thisishergreenjacket 改为同义句 Thisgreenjacketis 4 Mypenisred Whatcolourisyourpen 改同义句 Mypenisred yours hers Whatabout Makeyourownconversationsusingthethingsinyourclassroom SectionA2GrammarFocus 3c 根据图片写出正确的单词 pen ruler book eraser pencil schoolbag teacher dictionary pencilbox 1 it 复数 2 my 名词性物主代词 3 her 名词性物主代词 4 his 名词性物主代词 they 按要求写出正确的单词或句子 mine hers hi



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