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1、课题:Module 12 Western music Unit 3 Language in use学习目标一、 语法复习:二、 感叹句和选择疑问句 程序集体备课内容个案补充学习过程三、 一、自读与反馈质疑(自学Language practice,找出语法点)四、 二、即时训练 做课内练习1-3五、 三、Module task: Telling a story四、 达标检测 A. 把下列句子改写成感叹句。1.Itisquiteanicepresent. _nicepresent (itis)!2.They are good students. _students they are!3.Itssu

2、nnytoday. _sunnydayitistoday!4.Thechildrenarelovely. _children!5.MrWangisaverybusyman. _manMrWangis!6.Theyliveahappylifetoday. _lifetheylive!7. It is a cold day. _ _ cold day.8. These flowers are beautiful. _ _ _!B. 单项选择。1.Nanjing is a beautiful old city _the Changjiang River. A. under B. on C. over

3、 D. at2. _ Tom_ Jim likes music. They often go to the concert at weekends. A. Both; and B. Either; or C. Nither; nor D. Not only; but also3. This is my _brother. He is two years _than I. A. older; elder B. elder; older C. older; older D. elder; elder4.You can find the answer_ the question in this bo

4、ok. A. of B. for C. to D. with5. The beautiful song _You and Me. A. calls B. is calling C. called D. is called6. _nice shoes she is wearing! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 7. -What makes him_? -His team has won the game. A. to happy B. to be happy C. being happy D. so happy8. -Why did you go to H

5、ong Kong? -We went there_. A. to visit my uncle B. visiting my uncle C. visited my uncle D. to visited my uncle9.The shirt is small for me, please give me _one. A. other B. the other C. another D. /10. _of his parents _teachers. A. Both; are B. All; are C. Both; is D. All; is11. The sunshine went _ the window, so its warm in the room. A. across B. cross C. through D. over12.Mrs Smith likes pop music,_? A. is she B. doesnt she C. does she D. doesnt sheThe exercises in this module have been done well.反思4



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